More dog breeds please!
Posts: 1,958
You know you want them too!
The chihuahua
The dalmatian
The collie
The alsatian
The king charles spaniel
The jack russel
The amstaff
The pomeranian
et cetera!
I certainly do! How cute they would be with the "Look at My Hair" product.
I HAVE the product, however I have not used it yet!! Very excited though!!
Greyhound, wolfhound, hellhound, Gabriel hounds, Cwn Annwn... okay, it's a theme.
Are there any plans to come out with more dog morphs? Skins?
Balloon dog!
You know there are so many forum users asking for more dogs and cats so few asking for more skimpwear!
If this isn’t proof the forum does not reflect the market I don’t know what is!
Or proof that the many who want the skimpwear are happily busy.
That sent my mind to a very dirty corner. Why am I like this? Anyway, I'll add my suggestions:
Actually, I've managed to use the rather scanty morphs in Dog8 to make a with reason Greyhound/Whippet. All good. What I would like to see are;
1) Better ear morphs. The current ears are simple sort of cup shapes, with no actual detailing where they meet the skull. FIne for floppy-eared breeds, but...
2) Muscle morphs! Especially with short-haired breeds, you can see their musculature quite clearly, and greyhounds are particularly ripped ;-)
3) Ribs. Not exactly a muscle morph, so worth the specific mention. Also useful for your classic starving dog.
4) Head morphs; divots where the muzzle hair goes, extra forehead wrinkles both sherpa-style (horizontal) and worried greyhound (vertical)
I love dial-spinning to get what I need out of a figure, but the dial has to be there to spin ;-) If we can't have a hundred breeds (everyone wants something different), we need more morphs!
Not what people were asking for but still looks awsome
I'd wishlist it, because it would be an awesome demonic servitor, but I think 'level 4 HD' is geek-speak for 'don't even think you can render this in under 4 days'. :-D Very neat looking, though. :-) A solid match for the Blind Demon... like a demonic Wild Hunt.
I took a stab at dialing up a Canaan dog or three. My recipe for the ones shown here was basically German shepherd with -50% torso length, 60% muzzle taper, and 50% tail full. Not sophisticated or precise, but it's a start. If any of you have additional tweaks or more precise measurements, would love to incorporate those into my own dogs.
For the textures, I used the fawn-colored Great Dane, the yellow Labrador retriever, and a customized version of the copper husky (lightened up the red and subbed in the Great Dane's eyes).
Since the proportions are different from the base Dog 8, poses require a little manual adjustment.
What do you think? Any advice for tuning up the models?
Edit: I'm hoping to learn LAMH soon and will try to fuzz up those tails.
And here's my first attempt at dialing up a beagle shape from the dachsund. It's dachsund 100%, then:
Chest scale -100%
Neck length -60%
Stocky 40%
Torso Length -50%
Ears Long Longer 75%
Ears Short Arch 100% (though I'm not sure this does much with the floppy ears)
Muzzle Elevation -10%
Muzzle Length 60%
Muzzle Scoop 100%
Muzzle Square 100%
Nose Full 100%
Nose Size 25%
Nose Square 25%
Head Wrinkles 100%
Legs Length 70%
For the textures in my test, I just used the German shepherd. I definitely need to work up a custom texture with the characteristic white tail and muzzle.
West Highland White Terrier. They are incredibly cute and absolutely adorable.