Noobie Seeking Direction

edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

I am very new to Carrara previously having dabbled in DS. I tend to learn best by digging in and trying to do "things". What I would like to do is create a very simple animation using an imported character that goes a bit beyond "spinning the pose dials". I know that there are many tutorials out there but I am lacking the language to locate the ones that would help. Specifically, I would like to have the character (a child) put his thumbs in his mouth and pull backwards making a hugely exaggerated smile. Any pointers to proper terminology/language or appropriate tutorials would be greatly appreciated.



  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Whew. OK this shouldn't be too hard.

    Carrara can use Poser and D|S "content". That usually means "bone-rigged" figures, like Victoria4 and Michael4 here in the DAZ 3D store.

    Let's assume you already own some Content and you already have a Baby figure.

    You will launch Carrara, and add the Content Runtime to Carrara's Browser. Now the figures, Poses, Props, and quick Textures will show in Carrara's Browser under the CONTENT tab. Open a new scene, medium scene size (aprox 30ft x 30ft) and drag the figure onto the INSTANCES TAB, or drag directly into the scene window. Apply the figure morphs that shape the figure to the baby (or dial the baby to the proper shape). In the Browser under Poses drag the texture set (sometimes called "mats") onto the baby. Drag clothing and props onto the baby to add them to your figure. lastly find a Pose that looks reasonably close to the position you want your baby in (ie: sitting, sucking thumb)

    You can select the baby's limbs and use the ROTATE tool to fine tune the baby's arm until he is sucking his thumb, basically your start position. Zoom the camera using the gold Camera Controls so you are able to render the first frame as desired.

    At this point you have several options: keyframes, NLA, or Puppeteer.

    For Keyframes, basically you will advance the timeline a few seconds, then repose the baby's hand coming out of the mouth. Moving the hand will create new keyframes on the keyframe sequencer. Advance the timeline again and dial the baby's smile, again new keyframes are created.... At this point you should be able to scrub through the timeline and see your animation.

    NLA (Non-Linear Animation), is slightly more involved. With the Baby in his first pose, and the Animation Group selected (the top of the figure's directory under the Instances Tab), you will find the NLA tab in the top right corner and CREATE A NEW STILL POSE. This NLA pose will be stored in your POSES tab (next to the Instances). You can drag this pose onto the figure's NLA track at any point in the timeline. Unlike keyframes, this NLA pose is self-contained.... This time you DON'T move the timeline, instead you pull the Baby's thumb out of his mouth and create ANOTHER NLA Pose which is also stored in the Poses Tab. Adjust the baby again for the smile and create a thrid NLA Pose. Now you can arrange your NLA Poses along the NLA Track, dragging them to adjust your timing. Again you can scrub the timeline to preview the animation.

    Puppeteer is somewhat similar to creating NLA Poses, but instead of being stored as Poses under a tab, they are stored as positions on the Puppeteer grid. You will again create the three poses, but each time you will create a new Spot on the grid arranged so that you can drag your mouse between them..., for this example let's say you create the three spots in a wide (obtuse) triangle. Puppeteer will allow you to float the mouse around the grid to blend all three poses. As you get closer to one of the spots, that pose takes over and the others are diminished. You will record an animation in realtime by floating your mouse near these three points, and Pupetter will write the poses to the timeline.

    Be careful when adjusting your lights or camera or shaders.... Every change you make to scene items can be written as keyframes to the timeline, and it is a very easy mistake to not realize the timeline is set somewhere in the middle when you make changes.

    Hope that gets you started! There are a ton of tutorials at Carrara Cafe (link in my signature) and There are some tutorials and discussions arranged by subject here:

  • edited December 1969

    Wow! Thank you for going way beyond what I was hoping for. You've given me much to work with. I do have one remaining quick question that I hope you can help with. Lets say that the smile-dial does not appear to be able to create the level of exaggeration that I am looking for and I want to create a new "dial" - these are poses? morph targets?

  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    wwoelbel said:
    Wow! Thank you for going way beyond what I was hoping for. You've given me much to work with. I do have one remaining quick question that I hope you can help with. Lets say that the smile-dial does not appear to be able to create the level of exaggeration that I am looking for and I want to create a new "dial" - these are poses? morph targets?

    I believe you are talking about creating a new morph target.

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