Automatic refresh texture in iray

I'm having the same issure with this tread:

As a 3D artist it's important to make texture ajusments in 2D software like Photoshop and see the results imediately back in 3D renderer. This iteration could be very frequent and massive. Could you make this progress more rapid and automatic? The "Automatically refresh images" option works for me  but I still have to change to "smooth shaded' and then back to "NVIDIA Iray" mode in the Aux Viewport to check the results. Then I started to miss the experience in 3ds max and Unity3D, in which whenever i overwrite a texture file in 3rd party application, they'll automatically refresh the result as soon as i switch back to them, or after I did the rendering again within one click.


  • Since there's already a thread on this topic I have closed this one. Please remember that official feature requests should be made via a Technical Support ticket.

This discussion has been closed.