Script to Create Missing Smart Content Icons for Older Products

InkuboInkubo Posts: 744
edited December 2018 in Product Suggestions

This request may not be practical for some technical reason, but...

I'd like to have a script I could run that would search through my entire product library on disk to find products that don't have Smart Content icons, and autocreate them. I have some cool older stuff that's too easy to forget about because the packages don't show up in Smart Content.

The initial thumbnail image used for autocreated icons could be generic, but it would be nice if the product also offered a way to come back later and pick a better thumbnail image for any icon in Smart Content.

Post edited by Inkubo on


  • Smart Content doesn't have its own icons, unless you mean the product icon. In anyevent, lack of image isn't waht stops things from appearing in Smart Content - that's down to not having a Compatibility Base set (the main point of Smart Content is to filter out the things which are not compatible with the current context in the scene).

  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 744

    I guess I do mean product icons. Is there no way to programmatically create product icons that would at least show up in the "all products" category?

  • But what should such an icon show? In soem cases there might be a single "model" which coudl be loaded into an empty scene and rendered out, but many sets will be ambiguous.

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