G8M morphs to G8F

Is it possible to transfer G8M morphs to G8F? And to use G8M materials on G8F? Do they have a common topology and UV set?




  • They do not have the same topology, not. You should be able to transfer standard definition morphs using the Transfer Utility and the clone sahpes - this is discussed, in gernal principles, in the thread on transferring morphs from Genesis 3 to Genesis 8, but HD moprhs cannot be transferred.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878

    Genesis 8 UV Swap will allow you to use G8M materials on G8F and vice versa.

  • barbult said:

    Genesis 8 UV Swap will allow you to use G8M materials on G8F and vice versa.

    Thanks, I'd forgotten about that product.

  • They do not have the same topology, not. You should be able to transfer standard definition morphs using the Transfer Utility and the clone sahpes - this is discussed, in gernal principles, in the thread on transferring morphs from Genesis 3 to Genesis 8, but HD moprhs cannot be transferred.



    Are there G8M clone shapes for G8F?


  • bwise1701 said:

    They do not have the same topology, not. You should be able to transfer standard definition morphs using the Transfer Utility and the clone sahpes - this is discussed, in gernal principles, in the thread on transferring morphs from Genesis 3 to Genesis 8, but HD moprhs cannot be transferred.

    Are there G8M clone shapes for G8F?

    Yes, there's a clone shape in each for the opposite sex.

  • So when I try to use the transfer utility I

    set the source to G8M

    shape current / 2 haed morphs I want set to on / and favorited

    set target to G8F

    shape G8M clone / 

    options transfer on morphs / favorites

    but only one of the morphs transfers... one won't transfer even if I try it solo - is there something awry with my setup?



  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878
    Are you sure they are both really morphs and not a pose control or something?
  • bwise1701bwise1701 Posts: 252
    edited December 2018

    They appear to be morphs - they appear under the Actor / Head / People Real World scope with all the other character morphs -

    they both have a lot of ERC DeltaAdd sub-components


    Post edited by bwise1701 on
  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481
    edited August 2020

    I thought I would post back here, 'cause even though this is an old post, it is the first post that comes up in Google and other engines when wondering if you can transfer morphs between G8M <-> G8F that I found.

    I wanted to do this with Kyllian for G8M (google it if needed), since he has such an anime eye style.  

    Richard had said, "Yes, there's a clone shape in each for the opposite sex."...but I did not have the clones?  I did not have it in my library, but saw others had it, so I searched the filelists and saw it is in the Genesis 8 Essentials (which I had installed, but no idea why they were missing).  I re-installed, and they are there.  So, if you are puzzled like I was, and don't have a G8F Clone for G8M and vice versa, re-download and install the latest Genesis 8 Essentials.

    Once you do that, you can follow SickleYields all too famous morph transfer process posted on DeviantArt.  Works like a dream.

    Here is a sample of the same morph on both.  Kyllian for G8M and Kyllian's head (75%) on G8F (with a few dials of my own).

    Post edited by 3dOutlaw on
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845
    3dOutlaw said:
    What I found was that the earlier version of Genesis 8 Essentials must not have had the G8M and G8F clone included, but it does now.

    The clone morphs were always included in the base figure, ever since G8 was released. They're hidden morphs, though, like all clones. Maybe that's why you didn't find them?

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481
    edited August 2020

    All I can say is that my G8F/G8M only had G3F/G3M Clones and G2F/G2M Clones respectively.  If everyone else had them, then that's fine.  If not, hopefully my post helps them out!  yes

    EDIT - I updated my post without the assumption, so its more on focus of re-install if you only have other clones.

    Post edited by 3dOutlaw on
  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152

    That's awesome @3doutlaw  Is the morph transfer process complicated?

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481

    No its simple.  If its an existing morph you can skip Part 1, and if its a face morph like this, you can also skip the bone/ERC steps in Part 2, so it makes it a really basic transfer utility thing, and then save as a morph preset.

    Here is the link;  https://www.deviantart.com/sickleyield/journal/Tutorial-Transferring-Character-Morphs-G1G2G3G8-409437916

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