The old forums are all gone??? ARE YOU KIDDING????

ThePatrickThePatrick Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Hi there,

DAZ has opened new forums. OK.

But it seams that all the old forums and all the old discussions are just gone!

Today I tried to find some DAZ related information via Google. One of the best sources where the DAZ forums and so it seamed this time also since I got plenty of hits in DAZ forums. But they where all in the old forums discussions -- so what I got at Google where just shadows of the past. When I clicked I got just some cryptic shit that DAZ displays there instead!

So, I am not current what was discussed in behalf of that -- but "ARE YOU KIDDING???"

If the threads are not restored, than the whole community has lost plenty, plenty of information that helped me many times and also others I think.

When I also see, how good the DAZ documentation is, than I can also say, that if these old threads are not restored somehow wonderously soon, the whole DAZ software looses much of its value, since it will be impossible to use it!

I am really pissed!


ARE YOU REALLY WANTING TO MAKE SUICIDE? How can anybody in one stroke kill off such once good thing???

(Sorry about the upper case --- I am just so pissed!)


  • jmperjmper Posts: 257
    edited December 1969
  • jmperjmper Posts: 257
    edited December 1969

    if you find something that links from Google search...just change the beginning to what it says above "/"

  • ThePatrickThePatrick Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    jmper said:
    if you find something that links from Google search...just change the beginning to what it says above "/"


    That helps. But I still can't imagine, how anybody could do some thing like that. To have the old threads on an archive system is a remedy, but why not forward the old links to the new system instead of displaying shit like that:


    No, this is would be no rocket-science. I know many websites that managed such changes and installing such forwarding mechanics just without troubles. It is plain standard web-technology --- Ok, you must be a professional to do it, though.

  • jmperjmper Posts: 257
    edited December 1969

    Meh, it's a work around. :-)

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,153
    edited December 1969

    eep. there should be a sticky or something on where the old forum is. eep.

  • jmperjmper Posts: 257
    edited December 1969

    eep. there should be a sticky or something on where the old forum is. eep.

    LoL, there is called "FAQ for the new DAZ 3D Forums:"

    I guess called "FAQ for the new and old DAZ 3D Forums:" may help

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,153
    edited December 1969

    jmper said:
    eep. there should be a sticky or something on where the old forum is. eep.

    LoL, there is called "FAQ for the new DAZ 3D Forums:"

    I guess called "FAQ for the new and old DAZ 3D Forums:" may help

    How can they encourage people to read it? Maybe that will solve some of the problem with people yelling. Or maybe they can do some kind of modification that prevents people from yelling in the forums?

  • jmperjmper Posts: 257
    edited December 1969


  • ThePatrickThePatrick Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    jmper said:
    eep. there should be a sticky or something on where the old forum is. eep.

    LoL, there is called "FAQ for the new DAZ 3D Forums:"

    I guess called "FAQ for the new and old DAZ 3D Forums:" may help

    How can they encourage people to read it? Maybe that will solve some of the problem with people yelling. Or maybe they can do some kind of modification that prevents people from yelling in the forums?

    Maybe by just putting all forums into the archive -- read only.

    Or (just a guess) stopping to shoot them self and their customers into the foot.

  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited June 2012

    jmper said:
    eep. there should be a sticky or something on where the old forum is. eep.

    LoL, there is called "FAQ for the new DAZ 3D Forums:"

    I guess called "FAQ for the new and old DAZ 3D Forums:" may help

    How can they encourage people to read it? Maybe that will solve some of the problem with people yelling. Or maybe they can do some kind of modification that prevents people from yelling in the forums?

    Lock the forums until the member READS the announcements. Maybe make everyone take a quiz before unlocking the forums. Until the base questions can be answered correctly, no access. (It wouldn't bother me. I've actually read the TOS and Announcements.) People won't do what they are supposed to until forced. Until then they'll skimp on the effort and get someone else to do it for them. Basic internetter bahaviour.


    Post edited by Kendall Sears on
  • SassyWenchSassyWench Posts: 602
    edited December 1969

    *checks feet* Nope.. all good here! :lol:

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,384
    edited December 1969

    jmper said:
    eep. there should be a sticky or something on where the old forum is. eep.

    LoL, there is called "FAQ for the new DAZ 3D Forums:"

    I guess called "FAQ for the new and old DAZ 3D Forums:" may help

    How can they encourage people to read it? Maybe that will solve some of the problem with people yelling. Or maybe they can do some kind of modification that prevents people from yelling in the forums?

    Lock the forums until the member READS the announcements. Maybe make everyone take a quiz before unlocking the forums. Until the base questions can be answered correctly, no access. (It wouldn't bother me. I've actually read the TOS and Announcements.) People won't do what they are supposed to until forced. Until then they'll skimp on the effort and get someone else to do it for them. Basic internetter bahaviour.


    Wow that comes across as arrogant and self righteous, how would these forums survive without you.

    You might be surprised to find you are not the only one who reads things.

  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    jmper said:
    eep. there should be a sticky or something on where the old forum is. eep.

    LoL, there is called "FAQ for the new DAZ 3D Forums:"

    I guess called "FAQ for the new and old DAZ 3D Forums:" may help

    How can they encourage people to read it? Maybe that will solve some of the problem with people yelling. Or maybe they can do some kind of modification that prevents people from yelling in the forums?

    Lock the forums until the member READS the announcements. Maybe make everyone take a quiz before unlocking the forums. Until the base questions can be answered correctly, no access. (It wouldn't bother me. I've actually read the TOS and Announcements.) People won't do what they are supposed to until forced. Until then they'll skimp on the effort and get someone else to do it for them. Basic internetter bahaviour.


    Wow that comes across as arrogant and self righteous, how would these forums survive without you.

    You might be surprised to find you are not the only one who reads things.

    I wouldn't be surprised at all. And they'd survive just fine, thank you.


  • Eustace ScrubbEustace Scrubb Posts: 2,698
    edited December 1969

    You might be surprised to find you are not the only one who reads things.

    I wouldn't be surprised at all. And they'd survive just fine, thank you.

    You mean there's two of us who read things? Pleased to meet you!
    (Okay, I DO do quite a bit of reading, but the Fora TOS? Skim for changes. Oh, no "nudity" taggability now. Huh.)

  • tsaristtsarist Posts: 1,614
    edited June 2012

    People do read.
    People get tired and frustrated too!

    The site is buggy, slow, and hard to navigate.

    If someone doesn't know something I'd rather they ask than say "Screw it" and walk away.

    Insulting people because they didn't see something (no matter how obvious it is to some) will NOT be helpful and lead to people walking away for no reason.

    I guess I'm the only one who has just not seen something that was right there before.
    I am honoured to be amongst Kryptonians with Super Vision.

    Post edited by tsarist on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,048
    edited June 2012

    It is so much fun now to go "thread hunting"... its like whack-a-mole... but with words,not moles... I was looking thought the random distribution of threads and I found this one.

    This is fun stuff... so many things to play with... like just now, is it two or three times you hit return (enter) to insert a line break?.. somewhere there was thread that explained that... EVERYBODY SHOULD KNOW THAT NOW, even though it was viewed about 62 times before it disappeared into random-thread-order hell... There have been MANY threads about how to attempt to have a relatively normalish web experience here (although, more 1998 normal) via the many clever workarounds and tricks.

    I love all of you people.


    I laugh at your puny humans... you refuse to admit defeat!


    But I digress... Who the Coddang monkeyfruking hell can keep up with it? If it were a brick and mortar store most of us would of had a mega neural synaptic explosion, run off and stolen a bulldozer and driven it through the front door about 19 times by now... I have given up... I have absolutely no ( ZERO) expectations at this point. Well, I do expect it will get worse here and there... but thats besides the point... Yes, there are stickies and threads and all sorts of things to read to try and compensate one insane deficiency or other... BUT for crying out loud, who has the inclination to read and absorb it all.

    I go to Rich's house and ring the doorbell, it rings and someone comes to the door...

    I go to Dave's house and the doorbell is mounted above the door and when I press it, it does nothing... but two people standing outside tell me I should go to the the back door and rap three times on the drain pipe stand on the windowsill and tap four times on the transom and then shout "Imeoidh seo freisin" in ancient Gaelic... They inform me there is a sticky note about that on the bulletin board next to the front window... the one with 5000 sticky notes on it ... its in the one titled "Standing on the windowsill and shouting in Gaelic"... its right next to the one titled "why the chickens keep exploding" and between "FAQs about Monkeys" and "Installing things you hate to install and have no interest in". you really aught to read them all... someday a masked man may hold you up in a dark alley and ask you why the PBH code is causing his cat to dance... then what will you do... yeah... nothing... you'll be screwed.

    No, no I won't... because I'll still be so damn angry about the damn doorbell I'll beat his sorry a$$ till he cries like strawberry shortcake with a boo-boo on her knee...

    Can't I just ring a doorbell?


    It's a frikin' doorbell...

    Everyone has one... they are fairly common...

    and I'm not climbing on windowsills to shout in Gaelic...

    I'll get a damn stick, poke at the lousy bell and if it does not ring I'll kick the damn front door till either it falls down or some toothless hag on the third floor pokes her moldy head out the window and shouts out for me to stop it because I frightened her so much she fell of the bleedin' potty and her cat kill itself...

    No... its a damn bell...

    it should ring... they have been around since 1875 and everyone has one...

    I'm not interested in amusing alternatives to normalcy...

    Let me have a friggin' working doorbell or endure my obnoxious wrath with good humor and joy.


    Thats just how I see it though.

    Peace, Yall'.

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • SlimerJSpudSlimerJSpud Posts: 1,453
    edited December 1969

    @lordvicore, ROFL!!! OK, where is that ROFL we were promised? All seriousness aside, you simply cannot maintain a sense of humor around here without a seriously animated ROFL! Put that on the top of the list!

    64 x 47 - 8K
  • SlimerJSpudSlimerJSpud Posts: 1,453
    edited June 2012

    (space-age tune plays) "Hello, this is the future. State your year and question, please."
    "This is 1992 calling. We just want to know if it's going to be OK to sell software over the Internet. I mean, can we charge somebody real money and deliver products from an FTP site without any physical shipments? Will that be legal in the future?"
    (stifles laughter) "Yes, 1992, you should be just fine on that. Go right ahead."
    "Wonderful!" (hangs up)

    (space-age tune plays) "Hello, this is the future. State your year and question, please."
    "Oh My God, Oh My God!!! Sorry, this is 2002 calling. The dot-coms have all imploded! The Internet is doomed! Web 2.0 will never happen! HELP!!!"
    (rolls eyes) "Well, 2002, have heart. We have it on good authority that the Internet will soldier on in spite of your little melt-down. Web 2.0 will happen, and there are wonders beyond imagining, even for Steve Jobs."
    "Wow, really? Thanks a lot!" (hangs up)

    (space-age tune plays) "Hello, this is the future. State your year and question, please."
    "This is 2012 calling. I'm calling about Daz Productions. Are they going to self-destruct, or what? I mean all of us down here are surprised the Platinum Club customers and the Published Artists haven't descended on Draper, Utah with pitchforks and torches. It's bad down here!"
    (hysterical laughter echoing across the call center) "Oh, you mean THEM! Business schools have been studying that debacle for centuries now. As for the pitchforks, you know what they say, 'A riot is an ugly thing.' (more hysterical laughter echoes) Our policy here in the future is to give people an honest answer when they make this call, but in this case, I'm afraid you're just going to have to ride this one out in the dark. That's all I can tell you." (more laughter)
    (indignant voice) "Well, I'm glad somebody is enjoying it, because we're not!" (hangs up)

    Post edited by SlimerJSpud on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,048
    edited June 2012

    I've been to the future... it is boring and stupid.

    But just in case you need them:

    Unfortunately, good old fashioned "village mob style" torches are hard to find, so the large flame tiki will have to do... its a 12 pak so you save money in the long run...

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • CD_2012CD_2012 Posts: 5
    edited December 1969

    Well....I waited long enough. It was posted that the Forums will be getting a "Face Lift". I can't stand how dull and boring the forums look. I have been away for a while, I have even stopped rendering, let alone opening DAZ Studio. So I guess I'm saying that I have lost interest. I haven't even made any purchases from the store in about 2 months. I really had fun here in the forums. :(

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,048
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, thats funny... I'm pretty sure I too recall it being referred to as a "Face Lift"... Very similar to the "face lift" Mrs O'Leary's cow gave to Chicago in 1871.
    I'm wondering...
    I have sensed some form of Bovine influence for a while now... look at the color scheme... cows are colorblind... Look at the way the whole thing went together... Cows have poor depth perception and are notoriously bad web programers... some say it is due to the hooves... many others believe it is due to the heard nature which causes them to follow each other blindly in one direction no matter what... Most scientists say it is because they are cows.
    DAZ's Site change has MOO-COW written all over it.
    Look, if ONE COW can burn down a city because it was angry over the way its barn was redecorated... I'm sure it is quite possible for a couple of cows to have taken over DAZ because they never got their Millennium Cow...
    Good call CD!
    Now I have another amazing conspiracy to investigate! I bet this ties in with the beavers and the penguins!
    Too bad Sockatease isn't here... Now there is a true expert in Bovine psychology and culture.

    (Pssst DAZ... I'm giving you an out here... blame it on a heard of rouge cows and save face!)

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