Solved: Split Morph between Left and Right

lindelllindell Posts: 61
edited October 2013 in Daz Studio Discussion

I have a morph that impacts both right and left sides of a genesis figure that I want to separate into two morphs, one for right and one for left. I have tried loading two copies of the same figure, hide figure parts to expose the morph only to the right, export, then only for the left, export, and then tried to load as new morphs, which failed.

Is there a tool or method available to accomplish this? I've heard of something to separate head from body morphs, but thought that was a developer only tool...

Post edited by lindell on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,839
    edited December 1969

    What 3D modelling or sculpting software do you have?

  • lindelllindell Posts: 61
    edited December 1969

    I have Carrara Pro and Hexagon 2.5. Is there no way to do it in DAZ studio?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,839
    edited December 1969

    No, nor in Hexagon I think. What you want is the ability to seelct part of a model and apply a morph only to that - I can do it in modo, by loading the morphed mesh into a background layer, creating a morph map from the background, then selecting the area I want morphed and applying the morph map to that. I'm pretty sure Blender has a similar process. Carrara certainly has morphs, so it may well be possible there but I don't know the steps required - you may want us to move this to the Carrara forum.

  • DAZ_cjonesDAZ_cjones Posts: 637
    edited December 1969

    The only way I can think to do this in studio is to use the "Delete hidden facets" function and use transfer utility. The basic steps would be:

    Load 2 copies of the model: a model to split and a model to transfer too
    In polygon selection tool select half the figure
    Hide the selection
    Run "Delete Hidden Facets" its in the context menu/Tool Settings option menu under "Polygon Editing"
    Now you have a figure with half the morph
    Select this figure and open Paramaters tap in edit mode
    Delete all morphs you do not want to transfer
    Rename the morphs you do want to transfer ( add "Left" to their name for instance )
    Run Transfer Utility
    Set the split figure as the source, set the un-split model as the target
    Un-check all "General Options" but morph targets
    With Morph targets selected in Extended Options check "Source Morphs" and un-check "Projection Template Morphs"
    Un-check everything in "Post Transfer Options"
    Finish Transfer
    Delete split figure

    Repeat above for other side, but move one row further over so you double up the center line.

    Haven't tried this, but in theory this should work. Might be easier to make a prop out of the figure (export an obj at base resolution and re-import) with just a few morphs on it, depends on how many morphs you wish to do.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,839
    edited December 1969

    Or create a new content directory set with just an empty folder, copy the figure across and the base folder from the \Data folder only the morphs you wanted from the \Data\Author\Item\Figure\Morphs folder. Then save the split morphs as assets and they should be easy to find and copy back to the real content directory set.

    Thanks for the solution, I will have to give it a try.

  • lindelllindell Posts: 61
    edited December 1969

    Thank you, I will give that a try.

  • lindelllindell Posts: 61
    edited December 1969

    Tried it today and this is working for me. Thanks a bunch!!!

  • KarthKarth Posts: 710
    edited December 1969

    Works here too.. very easy and fast way

    thanks so much Richard :-)

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,839
    edited December 1969

    The credit goes to CJones.

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481
    edited September 2016

    Another helpful tutorial, still works in DS4.9! :) Thanks CJones, it really helped me out!

    I saved time deleting a ton of morphs in Step #7 by adding the morph to favorites, and then just selecting favorites in step #12.

    Post edited by 3dOutlaw on
  • This method works, but it is no longer my recommendation as makes it much easier.  

    The Geometry Editor Tool now has a "Clear Selected Deltas From Favorites" when in vertex mode which will remove deletas from the selected vertices on all favorited morphs.

    Also Morph Loader Pro now has the ability to use a wieght map or selection set to remove deltas on load.  One can make a weight map and load the morph twice, once for the left and once for the right.

  • SF-DesignSF-Design Posts: 987

    yeah that worked perfect. Thanks!

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