* Party solved* DzZipFile.locateFile() on Windows broken?

TotteTotte Posts: 13,614
do {filename = oZipFile.getCurrentFileName();debug("filename="+filename);var found = oZipFile.locateFile(filename);if (!found) {debug("### NOT FOUND ###");}} while(oZipFile.goToNextFile());

Om Mac OS X, this nicely shows all files in the zip, on Windows, I get ### NOT FOUND ### for all files.
Any special trick on Windows for finding the same path you just got from the zipFile?  

This is just a cut down of the actual code that collect files in one place and the locate the in the zip later on for extraction.


Post edited by Totte on


  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,614
    edited January 2019

    Log from Mac OS X:

    filename=Content/filename=Content/data/filename=Content/data/BWCTotte/filename=Content/data/BWCTotte/Vintage Spy Kit/filename=Content/data/BWCTotte/Vintage Spy Kit/MBoxInner/


    Log from Windows:

    filename=Content/### NOT FOUND ###filename=Content/data/### NOT FOUND ###filename=Content/data/BWCTotte/### NOT FOUND ###filename=Content/data/BWCTotte/Vintage Spy Kit/### NOT FOUND ###


    Post edited by Totte on
  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,614

    OK, workaround, extract all files while listing them, now it works on windows, with a small performance penalty. ExtractAll() didn't work either, just extracted root level directory and one sub directory, then it felt happy and exited the function. 4.10 and 4.11 public beta btw.


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