Genesis 2 default surface preset
Posts: 10,634
I was looking at Genesis 2 just now and I see it comes with Uber Surface applied and with having a long relationship with using US I noticed something added to the bottom of the shader in the surfaces pane that is not present in the Uber Surface that ships with DS4.6.1.17.
Outline ID Colour. Does someone know what this does please? And also what is Outline Depth On/Off toggle for?
Well it looks like you are all in the same boat as me with not knowing what or why this new function appreared. Maybe making a ticket might be the best option.
OK I see it - no idea hadn't noticed only used her a few times and usually applied Uber 2.
Yes at the default answer you reeditted post. ;) Yeah I only noticed it just before posting this thread and it had me wondering. I don't even think Uber Surface 2 has it either.
Thanks for responding scorpio
I tried on and off, tried it black but couldn't see any difference - of course now I'm curious as to what it is and what it does.
Just checked no Uber 2 doesn't have it.
LOL I tied bright neon green and like you noticed no difference with or without lights which, like you, got me wondering.
You can use it with the scripted renderer "Outline" to create outlines for the image. The are stored in the render library with a name "Outline_FrmN_ColorID.tif" and something like that.
No, with "scripted renderer" i meant the setting in the DS render settings. You can select "Scripted 3Delight" in the "Render Engine" button in the lower part of the DS render settings and then one of the provided render scripts (or built your own). It is useful when using 3delight features that are not easily accessible to the standard mechanisms (like outlines), but can be realised using DS-scripts. But it is still the builtin renderer that does the rendering. It can export a RIB-file, though.
Oh yeah that Scripted Render option, I now understand cheers millighost