Exterior Environments for rooms and Too Small Housing Props

Some of my favorite artists are not including exterior environments with their room props. When considering a purchase, I insist a room not only has at least one door but also an exterior environment beyond it like a hallway or atrium. It bugs me the amount of beautiful detail an artist puts into his craft only to spoil the illusion when the door opens to limbo. And another thing, when creating an empty house or room models, why make them so small? After loading furniture and a figure, there's no room left. 


  • Because, at least in the second case, not everyone lives in a house with jumbo sized rooms. In my house, with a 12x16 living room, I don't have much room if I put a sofa on both long walls.
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited January 2019

    As Daywalker says, I normally find that most rooms released are way too large

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • I agree with them all needing doors/working doors it bugs me when i see a room and there is no doorway how do you enter or exit it, as for whats outside the door there are different products (hallways) out in the store

  • I should have added that it would be nice if Maclean or someone would make a new version of the Room Creator products i think this would solve the problem and be a very handy product for those that would like to create thier own buildings and rooms

  • Well, in a pinch one CAN simply place a couple of plane prims outside the door, one to form the floor and one to form the wall.  But yeah, a lot of times I simply plop a wall and a floor from one of the Room Creator type packages outside the doorway as needed.

  • odasteinodastein Posts: 606
    edited January 2019

    Having an exterior is really nice (in fact, I recently used a rather complete exterior with the house, which was the intended product, only as a background) though not necessary and having a door that can open is in my opinion a must. 

    But regarding the size of interiors (modern interiors, that is), it seems to me that most creators err rather on the "too large" than "too small" side. Not really a problem most of the time, it's pretty convenient to have a large space for scenes, but occasionally one could need a nice interior that still doesn't look like the owner is an executive in a fortune 500 company. 

    Post edited by odastein on
  • I should have added that it would be nice if Maclean or someone would make a new version of the Room Creator products i think this would solve the problem and be a very handy product for those that would like to create thier own buildings and rooms

    That's essentially what Collective3d's Create a Room series is.

  • Yeah Chris i saw the Create a Room series, but there is'nt an exterior version of it so that you could make a full building that would work with the interior. ie looks like interior belongs with exterior.

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