Poser Debut Walk Cycle Generator

PGrePGre Posts: 95
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

I recently picked up Poser Debut for the walk cycle generator. Here's what happened.



  • PjotterPjotter Posts: 274
    edited December 1969

    Very nice. But how do you get the forward emotion transfered (walk path). When I create a walk > export as BVH > import in Carrara, it walks in place.

  • PGrePGre Posts: 95
    edited December 1969

    I just saved the scene as a .pz3 and then import that into Carrara. For the Mannequin figure, I just turned off all import options other than "animation". You will stil get the figure grouped under an instance named "UNIVERSE". I use that instance to position the figure as not to upset the animation.

    I was having some serious knee popping with some of the more extreme walks. Deleting every 30th key frame from the figure (every one) from within Carrara seems to smooth it out nicely.

  • PjotterPjotter Posts: 274
    edited December 1969

    Thanks gonna give this a try. I exported the walk as BVH files from Poser.

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