Split Personality - Light and Dark
I have a room and a corridor in a scene. The perspective is from the room looking toward the corridor at the back of the room and beyond.
The room is dark and actually I like the color and mood of it. About the only thing I want to do is maybe make a few surfaces glow and maybe turn on the lamp.
The issue is what is the best light to make the corridor light up? I want to lighten it significantly. I'm currently using a Uber and the Advanced Ambient light for the overall lighting and I like it.
I thought about using a spotlight but I'd light a more general over all lighting of the corridor rather than here and there. I have two characters standing close to the entrance but I'd prefer not to have light spilling from the corridor into the room.
I'm shooting for a surreal, dreamlike effect.
As you have the Advanced Ambient - what about placing a new one into the corridor and setting the light radius so it just illuminates the corridor and nothing else?
I can try that. I thought the Advanced Ambient light was an overall light like Uber that would effect everything so I didn't think about that.
Look through this guide for the settings:
(it is included in your installation as a pdf too)
Thanks. I did look at the document before but I'm the type of person that learns by doing and I kinda forgot a few of the settings. So I popped up another ambient light and put in place and I am running a test render and it is working like I wanted. :)
Now to figure out a few special effects.