Clothing Request

KC Riley-GyerKC Riley-Gyer Posts: 169
edited December 1969 in Product Suggestions


I'm in need of the following in Aztec clothing: tilmahtli (cape), a maxtlatl (breechcloth) and a pair of cactli (sandals). Some textures would be nice as well please.

I've tried searching for them but have had no luck in finding anything along those lines. I have a deadline of about 6 months and hope someone can help me during that time.


  • KC Riley-GyerKC Riley-Gyer Posts: 169
    edited December 1969

    And just realised that I forgot to add the following:

    I would like them genesis compatible and the cape and breechcloth are for the male. No idea if the sandals are different for male or female in the Aztecs.

    Being Australian I know next to nothing about these things and most of the research on the net I did back in 2009 has disappeared :(

  • TeofaTeofa Posts: 823
    edited October 2013

    This may work as cape.

    Browse all of Wilmap's items. All but her new G2 stuff is Genesis. I know there is a loincloth in some set, and a few sets of sandals, look at her Greek set.

    And it is all free. She does some really nice period and historical sets pretty much ignored by the micro-mini and spike heels crowd in the professional stores.

    Also browse Ghastly's gallery. You have to visualise the stuff in different textures, but he has several loincloth and wrap items mixed up in his various sets. You have to look hard at them, this nice loincloth was hidden in the "wrap" outfit. I included an image, redone with different shaders.

    Also free.

    499 x 538 - 43K
    Post edited by Teofa on
  • KC Riley-GyerKC Riley-Gyer Posts: 169
    edited December 1969

    standfast, thank you so much for the suggestions. I looked through them and none are suitable. I'll just have to keep looking or hope someone will take pity on me LOL.

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