Miss fishers Dress

I really love these dresses they work so well with the poses its simple as 1 2 3...to put a pose together. No fiddling with poke through or adjusting the poses. Hope she's on sale soon. This is a character I converted from V4 to V6, with a V4 skin. The dress is Miss Fisher's fabulous wardrobe dress for Genesis

1280 x 1024 - 135K
Glad you like the outfit! I do try to release at least one new item each month and new releases always have a 30% Off intro price. I'm not sure what DAZ has scheduled over the next while for promotions and such and we did just have the PA sale last month with everything in my store at 50% Off so it may be a while before another big store sale comes up.
And we appreciate that :)
Nice job Kharma!
Glad you like the outfit! I do try to release at least one new item each month and new releases always have a 30% Off intro price. I'm not sure what DAZ has scheduled over the next while for promotions and such and we did just have the PA sale last month with everything in my store at 50% Off so it may be a while before another big store sale comes up.
Somehow unfortunately I missed your store in the PA sale (and a couple others) or I would have one of everything in your store :) they are faboulous!! and your video makes them so easy to use...absolutely love them :))
thanks Novica ...not sure how I got this outside my own thread, guess the wrong button got in my way lol