Suggestions for next release of DAZ Studio

May I respectfully suggest a couple of things which would improve my workflow in DAZ Studio.

1. Default the Visible in Simulation (for dForce simulations) to OFF. At the moment, going through everything in the scene to toggle them to off (apart from the very few that need to be on) is quite time consuming.

2. The ability to save a single frame as a scene. When I use dForce with the timeline, I don't necessarily want that timeline saved with the scene. Preferably I should be able to select a single frame and save that.

If there are already simple ways to do these, please update this thread.



  • 1. Why not just select all and turn Visible in Simulation off, then turn it back on for the items that need it? It's only a few clicks more than off by default (a click to open the Scene pane option menu>Select>Select All, then a click to find the Display group in Parameters, and a final click to turn the property off).

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,482
    edited February 2019

    1. Why not just select all and turn Visible in Simulation off, then turn it back on for the items that need it? It's only a few clicks more than off by default (a click to open the Scene pane option menu>Select>Select All, then a click to find the Display group in Parameters, and a final click to turn the property off).

    Yeah, I guess that's the quickest way right now but a default OFF would be a better option, IMHO. But thanks, it may be an obvious option but I hadn't thought to try it for some reason.

    The second request has become more important lately, especially if you want to use the scene to create an animation but it already has an animation timeline for the dForce drape.

    Post edited by marble on
  • marblemarble Posts: 7,482
    marble said:

    1. Why not just select all and turn Visible in Simulation off, then turn it back on for the items that need it? It's only a few clicks more than off by default (a click to open the Scene pane option menu>Select>Select All, then a click to find the Display group in Parameters, and a final click to turn the property off).

    Yeah, I guess that's the quickest way right now but a default OFF would be a better option, IMHO. But thanks, it may be an obvious option but I hadn't thought to try it for some reason.

    The second request has become more important lately, especially if you want to use the scene to create an animation but it already has an animation timeline for the dForce drape.

    Ahh - I knew there was a reason that I didn't use Select All... multiple select doesn't work for switching off visibility. Whether I use Select All or Select Children, when I drill down to individual settings the Visible in Simulation is still switched ON. Something amiss there, I think.

  • Works for me, in Does multi-selection and setting work in general? If not make sure that, in the Parameters pane option menu, you have Consolidate Properties checked and Display Separate Items unchecked.

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,482
    edited February 2019

    Works for me, in Does multi-selection and setting work in general? If not make sure that, in the Parameters pane option menu, you have Consolidate Properties checked and Display Separate Items unchecked.

    I'm using the 4.11 Beta but I do have Display Separate checked so that might be the problem. I'll try a few experiments to make sure.

    [EDIT] Yes, making Display Separate unchecked seems to have solved the problem, thanks Richard.

    BTW, what do those parameters do?

    Post edited by marble on
  • They allow different behaviours with multi-selections - you can see only one item's propeties (using the drop-down at the top to choose which), you can see a separate slider for each selected item, or you can see a single master slider for all properties with the same label on all selected items.

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