DragonFly Hair Genesis 3 Female(s), Genesis 2 Female(s) and V4

andreretogasserandreretogasser Posts: 256
edited March 2019 in Product Suggestions


Hello artists,

Two things about this product.

1) I have a character with this hair in a project. As the story progresses, it slowly becomes a topic to have the actor sometimes wearing different styled hair. Day to day stuff.... Updo, worn open, out of the bed in the morning etc. 

Somehow I have a kind of mental blockade, I can not find any hair that seems "right" in combination with Dragonfly. Maybe this product for the updo...

NightFlower Hair Expanded in People and Wearables, Hair,  3D Models by Daz 3D

I am undecided (which rarely happens to me). What do YOU think? I would be very grateful for product tips and opinions!

2) Dragonfly hair marks itself for months as a product with an update in my library. When I click Update, a sort of download is  done as usual, but is never completed - and at the next opening, Dragonfly Hair is still marked as an updatable product. However, the use is not impaired. Am I the only user observing this phenomenon?

Post edited by andreretogasser on


  • You could keep the bangs turned on (since this is a recognizable part of the hair) and hide the long back, change it out for a ponytail set for casual, or a braided updo for formal.  Match the hair textures/shaders and it will work together with a little tweaking. 

  • Thank you very much indeed!

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