Backwards Compatibility

OroborosOroboros Posts: 326
edited December 1969 in Bryce Discussion

What elements of Bryce are backwards compatible?

Not a lot, it would seem. Materials, certain lights and HDRI probably won't make the journey.

I deal in Bryce 6.3 almost exclusively, so backwards compatibility from 7 to 6.3 doesn't really concern me. However, bryce 6.3 to 5.5 does. I'm planning to do a lot of experimenting in this area over the weekend because it's become necessary for work. Our Bryce gurus could help me slim down or correct the list below.

If you have any concrete evidence for yes/no features listed below, please help fill in the chart :) (Forum users note: I'm using the 'code' tag to keep things lined up in a monospaced font.)

- - - - - - - - 7.1  6.3   5.5   Notes
Scene Files     ---  No    No
Materials       ---  No    Yes   Means not backwards compatible from 7.1 --> 6.3, but compatible from 6.3 --> 5.5
Textures        ---  No    Yes
Primitives      ---  No    Yes   Exceptions: Possibly negative metaballs, trees.
Combined Models ---  No    No
OBJ Models      ---  No    Yes
Paths           ---  ?      ?
Lights          ---  No     ?    Depends on the kinds of lights... But perhaps common lights would also result in errors.
Skies           ---  ?      ?

The method of testing will largely be through libraries. Create a light in a 6.3 scene file, for instance. Export the light to an object library, shift the object library to 5.5, see if I can add it into a 5.5 scene file.

I can only use one item per object/material/sky library.

All items above are open for correction. Don't take these things as correct, as I haven't yet done much testing.

Any help? Cheers.

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