Link to Genesis 2 Male base in the shop and advice thanks :) solved

HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,964
edited April 2019 in Carrara Discussion

Hya , I'm a little confused, I have genesis 2 female base in my studio and carrara smart content but no male equivalent


I I have a  few gen 2 characters eg Lee 6  (I assume he is genesis 2) that load up.

Mianly asking as I bought an some face morphs etc

These show up with the female

But these don't show up with any of the gen 2 male characters

Babe in the woods here, thanks for advice :)


edit I always thought it came with carrara 8.5.....

edit just found the essentials bundle will try reinstalling with dim

edit fixed problem - if only everything in life was that easy

Post edited by Headwax on


  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,125


    edit fixed problem - if only everything in life was that easy


    Glad it worked out.  yes

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,964

    Thanks :) me too. I made the assumption that eg loading Lee 6 was the same as loading a morphed versions of genesis s base make male ;( sorry typing on iPad gah gah)  never make assumptions , ! 



     iPad won't let me edit

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 9,964

    Should read genesis 2 base male ...sorry :) 


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