Looking for a really good goat ^_^
Right now I'm busy using deformers on a DAZ Antelope to try and make a realistic goat. There is at least one free goat set available offsite, but it looks like it needs a lot more finishing work than I have time for. DAZ has cows, it has sheep, why doesn't it have goats...???!!! The only offsite goat worth its salt that I can find is $400... *pitiful whimper*
i agree ...mee too, i would like a nice goat in my runtime !!
Lyne who makes the animals must have heard! :D Her site now has some WONDERFUL goat models on it! Lyne, if you ever read this post, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! I have been searching for these since I first got DAZ Studio! :D
Ah so she has, find them here http://www.lynescreations.com/lynefree23.htm and at a good price.
Not free, but Philosopher's Egg makes a goat morph and texture for the DAZ Sheep ("Goat Pack" @ http://philosophersegg.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_5&products_id=5), and it's currently on sale for less than $6. Their stuff looks great in the promos, but since I haven't bought anything from them yet, I can't say how well they work for real.
Wow! Those look great for closeups! I'll give them a try. Thank you! ^_^
Thanks, Cho. I thought I had checked her site. These goats are just what I need.