Getting a glow inside a lantern with uber pointlight
Posts: 11
I can't seem to get the glow inside the glass of my lantern. I see the light shining out on the figure and objects appropriately, but no glow inside the globe. What am I missing?:smirk:
Add the Ambiant channel with either a white or yellowish color and set the value to 1-2 until it glows
Will try it, thank you for your quick response:)
You only see light when it hits something (other than air), such as a wall, glass, dust in the air ...
Doing this sort of thing I tend to use a flame prop of some sort to act as the light source (ensuring Ambient is ramped up) and the UberLight to do the actual lighting.
You can also apply uberSurface to the shade or surround and set Translucence to on, which works better when the shade should not be evenly illuminated.