Importing DAZ figures into Mari

Has anyone done this successfully? When I try and create a Mari project with a DAZ figure, say G8M, the project fails to create and leaves a project name which is a long string ending in "broken" and that project does not open. The DAZ exported figure obj opens fine in Blender, and the UVs are correctly arrayed in UDIM tiles. I can't see anything wrong with it, but Mari doesn't like it. I'm using Mari Non-Commercial. This has a limit of 6 UDIM "patches" as Mari calls them, but G8 only has 6 as far as I know. My own models with UDIM layout, exported from Blender, will import into Mari fine.
Head, body, arms, legs, eyes, mouth, transparency - I think Genesis 3 and 8 have 7 tiles, try consolidating one (such as the transparency) onto another and see if that works then.
Thanks, Richard. I can only actually see 6 in Blender for G8, but I will try omitting the eyes as they have two and I don't need those in any case. I have some other ideas as well, but I just wondered if anyone had come across the problem. I'll let you know.
I exported G3F as .obj and imported in Mari and all worked fine. (no hair, no outfit)