Moving morphs out of parameters->morphs folder
Posts: 7,092
So I created a character morph for Genesis. Imported the OBJ via morph loader pro. Went property editor, selected my morph, did erc freeze etc. Now I save as morph asset and enter my vendor name etc choose the morph and it saves, BUT it saves it to the morph loader sub tab under properties->morphs. It doesnt give an option to save anywhere else. Now I'm thinking I can just edit the file in notepad but its all encoded. Anybody know how to set it up so it can be saved under the shaping tab or a region of my choice? I know via Goz you get the option to choose the property group where you want the morph to be saved, however this is straight via morph loader.
You can open the property editor (when you have genesis selected) and find your morph there and move it to any folder you want.
Then just save the morph again.
But for future sets you can choose which folder you want the morph in when you load with morph loader by adjusting "Property Group" to the folder you want.
Cool will try that now. Property editor just takes a shit long time to load because my Genesis data folder is filled with custom morphs and Genx transfers. is very slow.
K I got it to work on my stuff. But if I move other vendors stuff in the property editor it will remember just for that scene or character file I save. I'm sure it won't apply to the default genesis that loads everything? And I want it to because the default genesis loads all the morphs.
Correct, unless you go back and overwrite the default genesis it will not change the default. So save the scene with your modified Genesis and use that if you want a "quick start" Genesis with the features you use most often, but the option to go back to the "full set" with the slower loading time when you need everything available.
Kool. Thanks
Educational Thread ,Thanks