dForce and/or Strand-Based Hair and animation ...

I have had a bit of a play with G8F and a couple of dForce hairs and a couple of strand-based hair products and ... well, the results, if any, when combined with actual animation (as opposed to an animated simulation) are woeful. It may be just me, though I have seen another thread about a specific dForce hair which seemd oblivious to a wind node. If combined with dForce clothing one of them (hair or clothes) does the infamous dForce explosion. dForce wind nodes dialled up beyonf tornado force to gnerate a mild flutter in the hair.  Strand-based hair 'dragging' vastly behind, Rapunzel-esque) if the figure moves forward (and that's without any wind!).  Look hard at any of the dForce properties on the hair and the next sim goes bezerk!  Mind you, not having the faintest clue what any of the properties actually relate to doesn't help much, either,

Don't get me wrong, the potential is astounding and I like the idea (alwatys have) of dynamic clothing and hair and have had the Optitex DCC for what seems like forever. But, it seems, that until a few things get sorted and documented I won't be doing any animations - ok, I didn't really do many! - but I was looking forward to doing a simple head/torso shot of someone walking down the street with their hair wafting a bit back and forth.

I've just realised I haven't actually asked a question yet, so .. is there a dForce hair out there that, currently, does interact well and play nicely with animation and dForce wind nodes?


  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,448

    Been a year and no response... I guess not :(

  • because they are all locked to PAs I don't bother buying them because 99% are for stills anyway.

    the inability to edit them other than under surface parameters is pretty much a dealbreaker for me, stupid thing is I would still buy strandbased hair products made by others  without this restriction for the same reason I buy 3D models made by DAZ instead of making my own, lots and lots and lots of 3D models better than anything I can make I can kitbash and edit to my heart's desire.

    DAZ added a physics function Carrara has and Poser always had has and then in their wisdom restricted the creation of dynamic hair to PAs only, meanwhile Blender and other free softwares are moving in leaps and bounds making it even possible to create particle hair from transmapped hair, just my ability to one click and easily use my DAZ content in it is stopping me.

  • I bough many many Carrara hairs made by DAZ PAs in the past when it was still bring supported because they made nicer ones than I could, it is the most asinine restriction ever,

    HD morphs at least makes sense because I honestly don't want them for animation anyway so don't buy them at all cheeky

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    I've has very sporadic 'success' with these items over the past year, but quite often even those that do perform well as regards the animation, etc., do wierd things which make the end result 'dubious'. Such thinsg as seeming to be attracted to body parts and moving against gravity, strecthcing to leave a trail behinf when the figure moves.  If I was back in scholl "could try harder" would be the key phrase.

  • well I find the same with Dforce clothing and actually have more success with legacy clothing welded and my own pinned surfaces added than the bespoke new made Dforce clothing which I also edit extensively for animation.

    hence my gripe about the Strandbased restrictions.

    they are not doing themselves any favours at all there.

    The best way I found to treat transmapped or tube hair (which Dforces very well) is to do a base simulation then add geometry shells and or instances with different levels of horizontal tiling to plush it out.

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