Coding shaders with code?
I like the Bricks and Blocks of the ShaderMixer or ShaderBuilder.
But it take to much time to add a complex mathematical calculation.
Is there any way to add a special code block with some customizable input parameters like x, y, z and an output parameter q.
And to add your own code like:
q = x*x + x*z + 27 - y;
(simple example, doesn't make any sense)
At first i thought, that you could use the ShaderBuilder inside the ShaderMixer to achieve this, but i'm unable to edit the code of the shaderbuilder.
Or is there any Button i'm missing that unlocks the code-editing?
If it is impossible to code your own code inside Daz, which tools can you recommend to develope and compile your own Renderman Shaders (rsl) togather with Daz. Are there some easy ways?
To be clear, i would prefer a code-block inside the shader mixer. Cause i don't want to learn all the existing input and output variables. Connecting them is a nice way. But if this isn't possible i try everything else.
In the Shader Builder you can access the surface code which allows you to add in more complex calculations very easily. You also have access to the same block functions you can use in the Shader Mixer.
I can see the surface code, but i'm unable to edit it.
It seem to be read-only.
I tried to edit standard blocks instead of macros.
Now it works.
Thank you.
One last question.
This link shows very good, how you can combine a "code-makro" with the ShaderMixer:
The only problem:
Its very annoying to change the macro.
1 You have to open the shader builder
2 You have to edit one of the shaders (only to get a list of all macros)
3 Now you can open and edit the macro
4 Now you have to export the macro
5 Now you must close the shader window ( cause the window is not undockable!!!! )
6 Switch to shader mixer and assign the previously exported macro
7 Start from number 2 if you don't like the result
Does someone know a shorter way.
If not, please please please make it possible to open the macro window directly via the ShaderMixer "Shader Builder Makro"-Block in your next Daz3D version.