"inj character morph" and "save modified Assets" caution

kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

few days ago, I had a trouble about whenever I load new genesis on ds 4,
genesis come up with another some morphs shape mixed .
And I saw a topic about same problem when other user use generation X
his genesis come up with ugly man face in this forum.
After all I could correct it ,by deleate some morphs, in data folda, and install them again.
it was strange for me because I did not touch other moprhs and
save as morph, I just save my new morph. so I think when I deleate my morph,
genesis would get buck their original shape, but he would not.
I should delete and install all morphs which had changed parameter when I load genesis.
(it is lucky for me because I could secure which morph value had changed by the products)
and I did not understand why this problem happened.

yesterday I make new combination morph, from some character.
One of them has inj morph too. it change default value of other morphs
(femage genesis, V4, etc) by inj morph file. plus their original face morph, set the value "100".
then, genesis change to the character shape and face.
I have made new morph by combineation of morphs, and saved it with contents then I went to bed,,
Today I checked it. then I understand I made samemistake again.

but this time I have known how to correct it, so I checked why it happend.:P
before I thought it happend because if I use ERC freeze. but it was wrong.

the cause of this probleme is "inj morph" and "save modified assets combination"
Yes criminal is not one,, they were partner in guilt (though the principal is myself @@;)

1. when use inj morph, some file change the default value of morph.
usually all of character morph value setted "0" default,
so genesis is comes up when we load genesis.dsf.

but some inj morph , change the default value and fix it untill I delete the sceane or quit ds4 application.

2 when I make new morph, I often change controller setting of my morph, so I use "save modifierd assets"
of property editor.

but I think this powerful tool has one problem.

I can not choose which modifierd assets I want to save.
can I?
I do not think when I use "save modifierd assets" it save other morphs default value.
because I return the value or moprhs to 0 ,so I did not think I modifiered the morphs.

but as you know "the morphs has been modifiered of their default value by other inj file".
so If you use character products, and set character by "inj" , it is better of you if you want to change
some property of controller, must use "rem file of the moprh" before "save modifeired assets"
I hope on next ds 4.5 or 5, I could choose which modified assets I would save, by property editor.

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