problem with any 3rd pary anatomical elements

makaab7414makaab7414 Posts: 22
edited January 2020 in Technical Help (nuts n bolts)

hi , i am having such a troublesome time here.

Ive uninstalled daz, DIM, APP roaming data, and others in APP data.

then reinstalled everything with only a few basic things that are in my DIM.

did i miss a setting when i deleted everything for the clean reinstall? this is just victoria with new gens on her. nothing more

also when i restarted after reinstalling, daz still remembered not to show the popup for tutorial page. so i missed something somewhere that is still remembering things that is screwing up my DAZ

Im sorry ahead of time if Im not supposed to ask this here.

I just didnt know where to go after googling forever and discord communities not knowing anything i can do.

Mod Edit :-  Image removed due to nudity



Post edited by Chohole on


  • makaab7414makaab7414 Posts: 22
    Also, the reason I uninstalled and reinstalled, is the problem Im still having, which is in the attached picture
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    You're not allowed to post images displaying nudity in the forums. Is there a way you can explain the problem without the picture, or is it maybe visible if you set the viewport mode to smooth shading so it doesn't show the textures?

  • makaab7414makaab7414 Posts: 22
    Ive changed the viewport to that as well as iray. If i remove the color layer from the gens its normal skin color but no detail. Do you know if im forgetting settings somewhere when I uninstall?
  • makaab7414makaab7414 Posts: 22
    I thought if i just removed it from my pc and started fresh itd go away but daz still remember my settings so theres something i didnt delete
  • makaab7414makaab7414 Posts: 22
    Ive googled black geoshells but to no avail
  • Which Victoria? and Which Gens?

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    So basically the problem is that there's no texture applied to the geografted part?

  • makaab7414makaab7414 Posts: 22
    Vic 8 a d new gens(3rd party)(but it acts the same with golden palace) At first the area was just a bit darker, but over a few days its just gradually gone black. If I hide the color layer its fine, just has no detail and stays skin color. But this happens on every single figure
  • makaab7414makaab7414 Posts: 22
    It actually started out just a bit off color. My main concern is that im now running bate bones on a new install a d its staying the same. Daz even remembered my choice not to have the tutorial popup at startup. So theres something im missing in my system somewhere and its not app data or documents. Im not even sure if registry has anything to do with it.
  • makaab7414makaab7414 Posts: 22
    Also it looks just fine in texture shaded view
  • Check the applied textures, on the geo shell, to see if any are not showing a texture but just a funky image.

    Sounds like there may be a texture corruption.


  • makaab7414makaab7414 Posts: 22
    Even on a fresh install?
  • Did you reinstall content as well as DS?


    If you didn't, it may be a file corruption issue and not directly DS related.

    you might have a drive failing, hence why it got progressively worse.


  • makaab7414makaab7414 Posts: 22
    I deleted the content library completely. If its a drive failing, i feel like it would affectbmore than just this one piece every time.
  • makaab7414makaab7414 Posts: 22
    Ues i reinstalled just necessities to see if it would work
  • I wanted to make some billboards so the grey area was a pain so after playing aroud a bit I discovereed this.

    1. Load the Genesis 8 female anatomy, Golden Palace shell and Golden Palace gens as well as the shell fix .

    2. Delete the Genesis 8 Female anatomy and the Golden Palace shell.

    3. Apply the Golden Palace mat.

    I reapplied the Golden Palace Shell and still did not have a grey shadow. I have no idea why.

    For whatever reason I kept getting an error message when trying to apply the mat to the gens until I deleted the G8F anatomical parts and the GP shell. Once they were gone the Mat applied perfectly.

    Sorry that I can't post a picture because of the Daz policy but right now I'm a really happy camper.

  • When a surface is grey and a geograft is involved the cause is that the surface of the geograft that overlays the surface with the actual texture has its opacity set to 50%. So just go through those surfaces and set it to 0.

  • Leana said:

    You're not allowed to post images displaying nudity in the forums. Is there a way you can explain the problem without the picture, or is it maybe visible if you set the viewport mode to smooth shading so it doesn't show the textures?

    Given I have the same question? No. It's impossible.

    An overwhelmingly vast majority of your users do nudes. If you could somehow ban DazStudio from users doing nudes in an update your product's market share would plumet to near zero in a month. How about you stop being prudes and just allow nudes in the forum.

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    Leana said:

    You're not allowed to post images displaying nudity in the forums. Is there a way you can explain the problem without the picture, or is it maybe visible if you set the viewport mode to smooth shading so it doesn't show the textures?

    Given I have the same question? No. It's impossible.

    An overwhelmingly vast majority of your users do nudes. If you could somehow ban DazStudio from users doing nudes in an update your product's market share would plumet to near zero in a month. How about you stop being prudes and just allow nudes in the forum.

    You know what would make even more sense?  Going to the forums of the stores where the items were purchased and asking questions there.  Major vendors like 3feetwolf and Meipe have their own product support forum sections at Renderotica.  3feetwolf hasn't been too active of late, but Meipe's usually around, and a lot of people there really know their junk.

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