Pointed Dynamic Lighting

If someone is so inclined to create this product I'd be the first to buy it. 

Say I have a figure/object lit with three spots.  I would like to select those three spots and create a dynamic lighting group.  So what's it do?  When I move the figure,  the lights rotate to remain pointed at the figure.  (Easy enough done already) BUT!!!   The lights also adjust themselves in luminosity (brightness) based on the distance change between the light and the figure. 

So .. if the distance to a figure is 300 and the luminosity of the light is 3000.  When the figure moves to a new position with a distance of 200, the light automatically repoints to the figure and adjusts the luminosity to 2000.  So the figure is 30% closer and the light is 30% dimmer. 

There'd need to be a setting for min lighting so it doesn't go all the way out when the figure is within a certain distance but that's the idea.

I'm thinking this would be especially effective for indoor scenes with fixed lighting sources like windows where a light needs to come from a fixed location but remain focused on the figure.


  • OdaaOdaa Posts: 1,548

    Have you considered parenting your spotlights to your figure?

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