Suggestion/feedback Height Measure tool

EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 1,390
edited July 2019 in Product Suggestions

Basic hegith measure tool "for free on the base program


ok while i can understand "sell" a complex tool for various type of measures, don't have a "Basic measure tool to measure Height and lengt of objects on a 3d program feel a lot let down".


Then how about add it on future updates????? if DAZ team really want to make DAZ tool a really important and spread tool while have many "different tools" inside the software for free is so cool, is also important having some "Basic tools" and for sure one of them is a measure tool.


and before someone come and say "you can find it on X or Y or pay Z for that one or another "work around", while i know which you can make yourself "workarounds" can be much more simple "to not need it" and have it on the base program like almost all the 3d programs in the market and don't matter if is "free or no", it's not about it, it's about being functional and giving the user all the "basic needed tools" to work with it.


if nit possible to add a measure tool then at last improve the "scene info" where when you click it it can also displau the current selected object size in cent or something like that, a basic way to know the currentl size of the object you are working and whenever it change it keep being displayed the new one for the users can proper put they characters in wanted default sizes.

Post edited by Ellessarr on


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