Skeleton / Undead Horse

MoonCraft3DMoonCraft3D Posts: 379
edited August 2019 in Product Suggestions

I would love to see an undead horse model. 

The base model for this would use the daz horse 2 and/or 3, and the skeleton would be an add on. It would ONLY show the skeleton of the horse. The skeleton should have the option of looking nice and clean, the other an aged bone look.

The next option would be various stages of gore to be added to the horse's skeleton. These should be dforce so that we can better pose thing like hanging guts and tissue with the movement of the steed.

Bonus options for this monster would be additional addons like:

  • a few horn sets for the head
  • spiked spine options
  • fangs or tusks for the mouth
  • empty glowing eye sockets with a few colors like red, white, purple, green, and blue
  • spiked / spurs for the hooves
Post edited by MoonCraft3D on


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