adjacent room backdrops

Is there a product that has backdrops of room interiors for indoor scenes? At the moment I either have doors closed or set up another room wich can use up memory.


  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,305

    There are too many interiors and too many angles for such products to be practical.

    You can try a product like Scene Optimizer to reduce memory required, or use simpler textures for things that aren't in the foreground.  There are the for that, as one example.

    Or else, you can render parts of your scene separately, and then composite them like in this quick and really dirty example:

    Here's the adjacent room

    Here is the foreground.  What's pure white is transparent.

    And here is the composite, that really needs more work, but you get the general idea.  It's not properly lit to begin with, the figure shows no shadow and the floor's kind of a PITA to blend, etc.

    Anyway, if you can't fit it all into your video card's memory, there are alternatives that will cost you in time what you save on the video card.

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