Lothar's try to do artistic images - and other stupid things

So to get a little bit more discussions about by renders - i try to start a thread here.
I'm from south of germany and in my mid 50s. Doing 3d since 1990s up to 2001 with a pause since then to december 2018 (oh goooooosh).
Think i'll start with a surprisingly succesfull image in my gallery: Getting out

Getting Out 5 final.png
1920 x 1440 - 3M
Post edited by Lothar Weber on
Next one is a little favorite of mine called "Modern Times to tell a story"
This one is still WIP, cause i'm not satisfied with the water yet. It's called "Boarding"
And for completition - the last one from today - called "Want to go for a hunt"
And a last one for today to test the "waters"
. It's called: Aqua alta
...and yes, i know I’m addicted to windows and strong lights
Süd-West Deutschland hier.
You have a good feeling for moods & poses, and the light is really good.
The only thing I'd work on is the framing. There's a lot of empty space, and this makes the images a bit "wischi-waschi". If you'd focus the frame on the "key" of the image, you'll get a much clearer message and stronger impact. Also, tilting the camera can give a totally new horizon to the presentation.
For example, in "Want to go for a hunt" you have all the empty space of the window above the characters. Part is needed to show the cage, but the upper quarter takes away the attention from the rest of the image, because it is just a bright surface. This goes even more for Boarding...
However, it is very possible that I read your intentions with the image wrong, art is subjective, after all, so take my words with a sackload of salt.
(Die Bilder sind echt super was die Stimmung angeht, nur verlieren sie meiner Meinung nach etwas durch Deinen gewählten Bildausschnitt. Du hast sehr viele große freie Flächen, die aber leider in der Regel keinen Zweck erfüllen. Also, wenn die große leere Fläche für die Erzählung im Bild wichtig ist. Ausgenommen vom ersten Bild sehe ich dieses bei den anderen Bildern nicht so sehr. )
I've used the snipping tool to illustrate different frames; you can see how the focus of attention and what the image tells shift quite a bit.
Boarding with focus on the character:
Three variations of Want to Hunt:
This one is basically the same as your image, just has less windows-space:
This cut-out focusses more on the lady...
And in this version, it's just about her and her bird:
Great comment, thank you (dankschee sag ich mal auf badisch ;-))
i‘ve a lot of images still to show, that aren’t with that focus, but I will try to do the next ones with your tips in mind
@BeeMKay: Disagree on "Boarding", I think the uncropped image has a stronger composition!
Glad you found the pointers useful. (Bin hier zwar seit 15 Jahren "zugereiste" in der schäbischen Hauptstadt, aber kann immer noch keinen Dialekt, ausser "Kütterschaufel".
I've found that experimenting with frames and camera angles brought out surprising things about the scene; sometimes the final image took a completely different turn from what I had originally in mind.
Well, like I said, art is subjective... though the cropping on that particular image was just done to demonstrate the difference in impact.
But to be honest, I don't really understand that particular image in any case. What's the story? She's static, and I'm not sure if she rising from the depth or sinking down (the circle of water closest to her body's missing to tell that). "Boarding" would indicate that she's entering a "vehicle", but I see nothing reaching out to embrace her... so I'm kind of lost as to what is going on.
Oh well... ok. She‘s coming out of the water. But as I said... WIP. The title... yes. Difficult. I thought of „boarding“ in the term of water boarding. Not nice I know. But that comes in my mind after the first render. So the title. But WIP. Any comment is much welcomed.
If you're coming from "WaterBoarding", going by the description of that word, the first image that would come to mind is that of total and utter fear of death. It is simulated drowning, after all. I don't know... Like I said, it's really difficult because art is subjective, and everyone has their own interpretation. So I don't want to overanalyze things based on the title. No criticism, I just love to be nitpicky.
(German because I can't properly express this in English: Die Schwierigkeit, die ich mit dem Bild habe, ist, dass ich überhaupt keine Gefühle von der Dame lesen kann. Zwar hält sie ihre Hände vors Gesicht, aber wenn das für Angst/Panik das spiegelt sich nicht in ihrer Mimik wieder. Ich würde vielleicht etwas mit den Augen machen, weit auufgerissen oder so. Es hängt aber total davon ab, in welche Richtung Du mit dem Bild gehen willst, also was Du damit ausdrücken willst. Ist aber hauptsächlich mein Bauchgefühl, und ich bin kein Profi, also 'Salzsäcke'.
Ok understand. The initial idea was to be different from the original „water boarding“. Meaning a „birth“ or „rejection“ of it. Oh so difficult. (Ok. Auch jetzt in deutsch, oder so ;-): - eigentlich hatte ich beim erstellen des Bildes das Gefühl, das es ein widerstand dessen ist und sie sich erhebt gegenüber des unterdrückt sein - des widerstandes gegen... ja! Genau daher auch WIP. Es ist noch nicht so wie ich es wollte. Wut, Enttäuschung, oder auch Traurigkeit. Es arbeitet noch. Daher Danke für die Gedanken
Now i would like to show, that i'm not only do "Windows and Dust" Renders
Little fun with this: "Hey you..."
And now the second render in the "Hunt" series: "Go get it..."
Another on of the "Windows and Dust" series
"Morning prayer"
I like that the eyes are not exactly symmetrically crossed. Fun image.
On the next one, you have a HUGE horse :D Or a small woman. Not complaining. Big horses are best horses.
In Germany we have such similar BIG horses at breweries - historical for the beer wagons
I know :) Drafts and shires are spectacular in size (although I know some warmbloods that stand over 1m80 tall, too).
I appreciate your fascination with the controlled light and shadow from windows - egresses are, by their nature, artistic :-) "Getting Out" is my favourite of those!
LOVE Morning Prayer. It's just a really nice image, but that she almost seems to be praying to an empty frame - I know it's just the lighting and angle that makes it look that way, but still - gives it that little bit of extra depth.
They are so beautiful but seldom...
Yes, thank you
these light were such a pain to create. Think I’ve rendered 15 times before it gets in the right mood.
Yes, I know that it’s not clear to see. Because I didn’t want to start a religious discussion about „why he and not xxx?“ and so on.
and i Love that pic too
I think all your renders are great Lothar Weber!
thank you @saphirewild
After a little business trip i've managed to do another one... (link to Galleryimage) Called: "Grandma and -pa"
This one is fantastic! The light is amazing and the little girl looks just like a child from a 19th century painting.
Much love!
"Hey You" is really fresh and bright, and I loooove that one too. And the Grandma and Grandpa one is so sweet. Who needs puppy-love? Old-people love is the cutest thing in the world!
Where can I get the necklace from "Hey You?" It looks exactly like the kind of stuff I used to wear in the late 90s.
Thank you
, that was the plan to take it look like 19th century artist
For the necklace please wait. I’ve to look tomorrow. In Germany it’s quit „vesper“ time
means dinner
. I’ll tell you 
Great work, Lothar! I especially like "Grandma and -pa." You nailed the lighting and wonderful expressions.
"Morning Prayer" is my favorite though, and I just wanted to say, if you don't mind, that I can't imagine any of the artists on this forum being critical of who is the object of worship in your art. It is a beautiful, reverent artwork.
Hi @TigerAnne, found the necklace
... it's https://www.daz3d.com/hot-work-costume-set-for-genesis-8-femaless
Wow, thank you for that