Just curious
Posts: 405
What ever happened to the little guy in Bryce?
Around 1995 I had Bryce when it was Metacreations, I think, and I remember being amazed at being able to create terrains and place a strange humanoid character in weird scenes...what ever happened to him?
You have me confused there, as when I first bought Poser, way back when, it was only in order to generate figures to put into my Bryce scenes.
I had Bryce and Poser at the time, played around but then didn't have time to touch them again
I'll dig out an old render, perhaps he might look familiar....Leo was there but somewhere there was a character, very basic almost robotic that came with the program on disc.....I can't imagine importing him from Poser as it didn't make much sense to me at the time so shoved it in a drawer;)
Funny how I've come the full circle in the past few weeks....back to Bryce and Poser.
whereas I never went away from that combo. I came across one of my Bryce 3 renders on an old backup disc. One of these days I must try recreating it in Bryce 7 and a more modern Poser set up
That's wonderful work, great concept too, you were much more advanced,
I will dig mine out for a laugh, I'm really sorry life got in the way and I had to stop...because I remember being absolutely blown away by the prog; )
@Pam - except for the sky, this is a great render.
Here is one I found with the character, the image has been through the wars since the early 90's but perhaps you can identify him;)
@Shanina - I just run Bryce 4 and looked at everything. There's no guy around. Perhaps you had got it as a free object when you purchased Bryce.
That's strange Horo, perhaps I did...I might find the disc one of these days;)