Headcase's Sensible Shoes fit to K4
Posts: 250
Suppose I should be playing with Genesis 'stead of K4, but when I tried to make a Genesis little girl in Trot's class, she was rather, erm, "well endowed" for an 8-year-old. So I went back to K4 for this character.
I just downloaded Bee's Sensible Shoes fit to K4 from http://www.sharecg.com/v/63034/view/11/Poser/Bossy-Boots-and-Sensible-Shoes-for-K4
Much thanks to Headcase for making these available and Bee for fitting them.
But when I add them to the scene, it can't find /Runtime/textures/Headkase/Sensible Shoes 2.0/BumpMap SHOE.jpg" and related files. Indeed, I don't have a Headkase folder inside Runtime/textures...
I can load the shoes for Matt & Maddie fine, but their sockies don't fit to K4 very well.
600 x 480 - 75K
600 x 480 - 67K
If you can load them for Matt and Maddie, then where are the texture files?
Are you sure you have the 2.0 version installed?
I can't think of anything else that may be up...
I've just checked my runtime, and the path you gave to "BumpMap SHOE.jpg" is correct.
Well, it says I have Sensible Shoes 2.0.
I thought I'd load the "Matt 3" file, then look in the surfaces tab to see what files it uses, but it doesn't seem to use any. It just doesn't complain.
My runtime seems to be 3/4 full of stuff that doesn't work, or doesn't work any more.
I put the shoes from K4 Sweetheart on her.