Can see the inside of the head thru face

darinsardarinsar Posts: 29

I've had this happen before, but now it is happening on a figure I've used multiple times before. The picture best explains it. There is a large dark red blotch below the lip (which I've had happen before) and below the eyes. Is this the inside of the head showing through? I've tried making the jaw and the teeth invisible, but no luck. What is happening here and how do I correct it?

Thanks for your help.

P.S. This is a rendered image.

486 x 591 - 386K


  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 2013

    Are you using a geoshell? What you are seeing is a texture with different uvs than your character. The dark red blotch is the lips of the texture and the crescent shapes under the eyes are, well, eyes from the texture. It looks like you have a geoshell with a texture applied, but the uv's don't match the uvs of the main figure and texture. That would be my guess, anyway.

    Or, you have the wrong uvs on the head (assuming no geoshell), yet you have the lips material zone set to the correct uvs, so the lips look okay, but the face and nostrils are wrong.

    Post edited by Slosh on
  • darinsardarinsar Posts: 29
    edited December 1969

    Sounds very reasonable, and I do think I am using a geotextile. Question is, can this be fixed? Keep in mind I know nothing about uvs (checking the daz tutorials now).

  • darinsardarinsar Posts: 29
    edited December 1969

    Just figured it out. Now I only have to figure out how to get both lips the same colour. Thanks for the help.

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