Undo ERC Freezing


How can I restore the original figure rigg after erc freezing a particular morph ?
I've done an erc freeze on a new morph for which the original rigging has been adjusted ; later I need to modify slighty this morph, and adjusting the rigging to the updated morph is impossible : edit>adjust rigging to shape seems to adjust from the new rigging and not the original one. I'm not sure I'm clear. Anyway, the thing is I'd like to know how to undo an erc freeze on a particular morph.

Thank you for any insight !

Post edited by lescarphe_ad1c595a10 on


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited December 1969

    Not sure you can.

    What I've done, in the past, is to ignore the old morph and give the adjusted morph a new, unique name...then go through the whole process from scratch. Then delete the original, unadjusted morph...

    Of course, ERC freezing is what makes the adjustments permanent...so not saving them would allow for changes between sessions (if you need to adjust something restart so the temporary freeze is out of memory).

  • Male-M3diaMale-M3dia Posts: 3,581
    edited December 1969

    Select the ERC'd morph in Property Hierarchy and select the "Bake" option (not at my computer to give you the exact name). This will unfreeze the settings to allow you to make changes. Then you should be able to ERC Freeze it back.

  • edited December 1969

    Thanks for both your response. It's very kind of you.

    I'l try that.

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