2D Postwork Assets Planets Vol I [Commercial]


2D Planets Volume I


Postwork: The process of taking an image, like a digital photo or render, and performing additional edits and adjustments to bring the work to competition.  These edits may include adding and subtracting elements and post-process filtering.

Want to take total control of your backdrops and outer space scenes? Have you hit the wall or run out of skydomes and HDRI environments? Rendering with the dome off leaves your main scene intact, but leaves the backdrop transparent. Once your render is done, it can be dropped into any program that supports layers and these 2D assets can be added to finish off your scene.

It can be a chore to find royalty free and useable images of alien and interesting planets. Here is where the 2D postwork series shines as it supplies numerous PNG images and plates of various planets, planetscapes and space backdrops. Quickly drag and drop these 2D assets onto your digital canvas and have total control of your space scenes or any art that requires high quality heavenly bodies.

Multi-shot planets: Single planets created at different points of rotation. This series of images represent different phases as they add a different look to any planet that might be shown more than once and needs to look fresh. These are presented as PSD files with all the different angles combined as multiple layers.

Planet Plates Planetoids: Incredible Images of planets ready to be dropped behind your renders. Available as PSD layered files AND separate PNG images for browsing ease. These are fully realized planetary images in space, great as backdrops and desktop wallpapers.

Planet Plates Surface: That “space” just above the planet gets special attention as we present 20 different images (of three planets) from near orbit and close to the surface. These are complete images that are ready to be dropped behind your Daz render as an instant epic backdrop. Can be used ‘as is’ or tweaked to your heart’s content.

Space Motion Plates: Its 23 images of that space ‘far in the distance’. These are finished backdrops that make a colorful canvas for your main subject. These are beautiful enough to be used as desktop wallpapers, but functional enough to send your art – off to the far reaches of the galaxy.

Spectrum Planets: Isolated images of planets organized by color. Of course you can alter the color, but we’ve supplied an assortment of planets that are ready to mix and match against any backdrop. Sometimes, all that’s needed is a small blue marble…or a yellow marble or…

Colorful Near-orbit surface shots: Partial planet images that would be good for orbiting space stations or events occurring just beyond the planet’s atmosphere. Enjoy a colorful patch of pretty planet parts. These are the partial arcs of a planet’s surface, place them on the edges of your scene to hint at the larger world beyond.

Ringed Planets:  A thin field of asteroids and pulverized space dust creates a beautiful band around these planets. We present entire planets and their rings. Additional media is also found in the planet plates directory.

- Includes instructional video on the various products in this series and lighting tricks for beautiful deep space renders.


Bonus Images of the 2D spaceships (used in the promotional art) provide quick-start content for your own space scenes.


  • So, as a new vendor- (with their first solo release) I did not realize this was available as "items you own" are hidden.

    - since our own products are auto-added to our Daz library.

    So this must have come out with the lekkulian-2-for-genesis-8 figures sale day.


    The sales are strong so thanks to everyone who purchased this.

    I appreciate your support.

    Promo art, all these images.....

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