MacOS Catalina & Daz Studio



  • Downloaded latest beta content. DAZ Studio Pro 4.12.x with OSX Catalina "Can't open any file / all filenames greyed out" issue still not fixed for me.

    In short, can't open any file, can't load any texture, can't open anything which uses the open file API, ...

    Releasing a commercial application which cannot open files is really something...

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842
    edited October 2019

    Releasing a commercial application which cannot open files is really something...

    It's not exactly Daz fault that Apple once again broke applications with their new OS (which was released after DS 4.12 general release)

    Post edited by Leana on
  • Downloaded latest beta content. DAZ Studio Pro 4.12.x with OSX Catalina "Can't open any file / all filenames greyed out" issue still not fixed for me.

    In short, can't open any file, can't load any texture, can't open anything which uses the open file API, ...

    Releasing a commercial application which cannot open files is really something...

    This is, rather than The issue you describe is known to affect file dialogues in the older version, but should not be an issue in the current Public Build.

  • Downloaded latest beta content. DAZ Studio Pro 4.12.x with OSX Catalina "Can't open any file / all filenames greyed out" issue still not fixed for me.

    In short, can't open any file, can't load any texture, can't open anything which uses the open file API, ...

    Releasing a commercial application which cannot open files is really something...

    This is, rather than The issue you describe is known to affect file dialogues in the older version, but should not be an issue in the current Public Build.

    My bad. DIM for some reason only pulled the Beta Content Package and not the main application.

    File open, morph load, texture load etc. all work as they should now in Test render worked as well.

    Thx for the tip to reconfirm installation.

  • I installed Carrara 8.5.1.Pro 64 bit and all content through the updated DIM onto a MacBook Pro running the latest update of Catalina.

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,249

    I installed Carrara 8.5.1.Pro 64 bit and all content through the updated DIM onto a MacBook Pro running the latest update of Catalina.

    And are you running DAZ Studio also on Catalina? If so, how is that going?

  • I downloaded the latest version I could find of DS4.12 and tried to install directly, but it gave and error towards the end and didn't complete...

    I then downloaded the latest install manager and downloaded and installed through that, and it installed okay, however, the version is not opens okay, however you get a message (see attached) saying it can''t connect to the PostgreSQL.

    If you look at the yourname_hba.conf file, the the local hosting is down as rejected — hence the lack of connection.

    if is the latest version and fixes these issues, where might we find it as the CM seems to link to the earlier version.



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  • OldminerOldminer Posts: 135

    I updated to Catalina (macOS 10.15.1), upgraded DIM to Daz latest and installed DS Public Build Beta. Everything works - Open, Save, Merge all seem good. I tried a simple iRay render went just fine.

  • In spite of the helpful posts by Richard H describing how to force to appear in the Install Manger app window I can not get it to show up, only

    However, reregistering as a new user and then downloading the IM and reinstalling afresh did give access to following Richard's instructions.

    This is now installed on Catlina (10.15) as I haven't updated to 10.15.1 as yet.

    As with Oldminer, this now works as installs the PostgreSQL in the DAZ application folder rather than the old User Library DAZ3D folder in Mojave. saves and opens and renders okay, however in my instance, old files show up as greyed out.  New ones are fine which suggests DAZ access permissions are a problem.

    I will updgrade Catlina and see if this helps to resolve it.



  • A correction to the above, it does in fact open up old files, that was me misreading the file.

    Have also updated to Catalina 10.15.1 and all is okay just as Oldminer says.



  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,249

    Thanks for posting, Paul. Good to know, as I'm thinking of installing Catalina.

  • OldminerOldminer Posts: 135

    Some Bad News Follow-up! DS appears to render a movie but can't save it. I tried several differnt lengths and differnt locations. I got an error message each time.

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  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    Oldminer said:

    Some Bad News Follow-up! DS appears to render a movie but can't save it. I tried several differnt lengths and differnt locations. I got an error message each time.

    ...and did you try saving it with a new name?

  • OldminerOldminer Posts: 135

    New Name and New location and differnt drive. None worked also the DS movie renders don't save I think its a Catalina problem

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,249

    Well, maybe you could report it to Apple, as well as to DAZ technical support here.

  • If DS iss till open you should be able to recover the image sequence, in PNG format, from the temp folder.

  • ACFanACFan Posts: 12

    From release notes: 

    • Removed semi-colons separating file extensions in file browser multi-extension filters; the presence of semi-colons within a single filter was causing macOS 10.15 (Catalina) to display files with all but the last file extension (the one NOT followed by a semi-colon) as “dimmed” (unavailable/unselectable)


    That is for

    What this tells me is that Apple tightened down on the allowed delimiters, which makes sense once you realize that Catalina is intended to close a lot of the possible ways a system can be comprimised. With that in mind, the Public Beta is a really good idea to try if you are running under Catalina; knowing Daz, they will not push it to an official release until they're sure they have all of the major issues sorted out. In general, rendering software is one of the more complex programs that you will ever run on a system, so expecting a fast public release of a new version after an OS update is pretty much a pipe dream. Most programmers in the graphics industry that I have read comments from state that they will not program for pre-release, they wait for the final so they do not have to re-do things several times.

    On a side note:

    Regarding "Reality" under Catalina: There is ONE .dylib file that is not signed in the Reality folder. When the popup comes up asking you to delete it, CANCEL!!  Then close Daz, go to this folder, (This is my path, yours might differ slighly.)

    Applications -> Daz 3D -> DazStudio4 64-Bit -> plugins -> Reality  

    The file that you are looking for is "Reality_DS64.dylib".  Go to that file, perform an "OPEN WITH..." and open it with a text editor - I prefer BBEdit, which can be downloaded for free. Do NOT change anything, just save it. This adds a "local" signature to the file properties, and you can then run Reality as normal.

    One other issue to check, is that mattering on your installation some people have found that once Catalina is installed, you need to go through and re-enter all of your serial numbers in the plugin manager.

    I'm about to do the upgrade to the latest beta of Daz, in general the only issues I've had were solved by the above comments - with the exception of the file access issue, which the DAZ beta should fix. 

  • ACFanACFan Posts: 12

    Update ---

    The latest public beta is up and running, and it fixed the issues I was having with file access for textures and such. One little glitch that I found is that if you have already given the NON-BETA version of Daz full disk access, Daz will not let you set the Beta version to full disk access -- you have to choose one or the other. The interesting part is that to save time, I merged the two installations together into the original non-beta Daz directory and it automagically worked as intended -- my guess is that MacOS is using file paths as one of the checks, so if a rogue program tries to imitate a legit program it won't get the same access.

    For those who want to try the merge routine ... my first advice is to seek professional mental evaluation immediately! :)  Seriously, do not attempt it unless you are VERY comfortable with the pecular ways the Mac chooses if it is going to ask you before overwriting or deleting files; ;there are operations that will blindly overwrite or delete things without ever giving you a chance to decide if they are needed. If you are comfortable, on a seperate drive make a copy of your Daz Studio directory from your applications folder, make a compressed copy of it, then do the same for the Daz Studio Beta folder. After making sure that you have backups, make another copy of the non-beta Daz Studio folder, then start the merge process. This will take a while, as the only time you want to copy an entire folder is if that folder does NOT exist in the destination; at all other times, you need to be copying at FILE level - allowing overwrites as you work your way through each level of the folder structure. Once done, make SURE that you still have an un-touched copy of the original non-beta version of Daz, then copy your modified version over the original in the applications directory.  Doing this, I had to re-register one plugin, but everything worked out of the box otherwise.

    Yes, I made that TLDR on purpose - the short version is if you store on external drives, you can only have one version of Daz Studio installed!!


  • ACFan said:

    Update ---

    The latest public beta is up and running, and it fixed the issues I was having with file access for textures and such. One little glitch that I found is that if you have already given the NON-BETA version of Daz full disk access, Daz will not let you set the Beta version to full disk access -- you have to choose one or the other. The interesting part is that to save time, I merged the two installations together into the original non-beta Daz directory and it automagically worked as intended -- my guess is that MacOS is using file paths as one of the checks, so if a rogue program tries to imitate a legit program it won't get the same access.

    For those who want to try the merge routine ... my first advice is to seek professional mental evaluation immediately! :)  Seriously, do not attempt it unless you are VERY comfortable with the pecular ways the Mac chooses if it is going to ask you before overwriting or deleting files; ;there are operations that will blindly overwrite or delete things without ever giving you a chance to decide if they are needed. If you are comfortable, on a seperate drive make a copy of your Daz Studio directory from your applications folder, make a compressed copy of it, then do the same for the Daz Studio Beta folder. After making sure that you have backups, make another copy of the non-beta Daz Studio folder, then start the merge process. This will take a while, as the only time you want to copy an entire folder is if that folder does NOT exist in the destination; at all other times, you need to be copying at FILE level - allowing overwrites as you work your way through each level of the folder structure. Once done, make SURE that you still have an un-touched copy of the original non-beta version of Daz, then copy your modified version over the original in the applications directory.  Doing this, I had to re-register one plugin, but everything worked out of the box otherwise.

    Yes, I made that TLDR on purpose - the short version is if you store on external drives, you can only have one version of Daz Studio installed!!

    I'm not sure what you are meaning here, by full disc access. Nothing I can think of would be a Daz, or Daz Studio, controlled thing.

  • I'm happy to find this thread, sadly I'm getting the same problem. When I tried to open a file, all of them are grey. Also, when trying to change Backdrop in the Environment Pane. Unistalled and reinstalled but nothing seems to fix this problem. I also granted full access as many suggested

  • I have the same problem. I found a work around however if I go to "Scenes" in my "Content Library" pane I can load up the files from there. If you are not saving them in your content library hierchy you'll porbably be still hosed.

  • Don't forget that the Public Build has a fix for the issue with file selector dialogues

  • mclaughmclaugh Posts: 221

    I'm not sure what you are meaning here, by full disc access.

    It's a MacOS nanny state security bug feature that's designed to frustrate users by making them jump through a bunch of meaningless hoops to access their data prevent third part app from accessing data without explicit authorization.

  • agiuagiu Posts: 10

    Looks like GoZ doesn't work. Morph Loader is gray out as well.

  • agiu said:

    Looks like GoZ doesn't work. Morph Loader is gray out as well.

    What is their status n Help>About Installed Plug-ins?

  • Oldminer said:

    Some Bad News Follow-up! DS appears to render a movie but can't save it. I tried several differnt lengths and differnt locations. I got an error message each time.

    hello Oldminer, did you solve the render situation? I have exactly the same problem.
  • Just checking back in. Are those of you using MacOS Catalina still having problems? 

  • I've noticed one issue since updating to Catalina and to DAZ 4.12.

    When I save a new drawing to my file folder. I can no longer retrive it when going to the file tab and selecting open. The folder opens, but the files aren't highlighted to be picked, almost like they're not readalbe to DAZ. I can go to the recently saved tab and select them there, but once they aren't in the recent tab it becomes a headack. I can go to the file outside of DAZ and drag and drop the files on the drawing screen of DAZ and that seems to load the files that way. Same problem when trying to merge a file, can't select a file that way either. If any one can tell me why DAZ all of a sudden can't read it's own files in the saved folders, please let me know.

  • Ron KnightsRon Knights Posts: 1,805
    edited January 2020

    Has DAZ updated DIM to work with Catalina yet?! I had to wipe my computer and start over... 


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    Post edited by Ron Knights on
  • Has DAZ updated DIM to work with Catalina yet?! I had to wipe my computer and start over...

    The gebneral release ( has a least one issue, with file dialogues, and that is fixed in the ublic Build ( The isntallation issue is down to how the OS handles installers, I believe there's a fairly simple workaround

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