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this is my first clip in D/S to test 3delight potential for animations; pros: the speed - less than 3 mins/frame at 1080x, less than 4 mins at 1440x; cons: slight flickering and noise here and there
Thanks for the tip Tikiman on hiding limbs, I didn't know that would work in dforce, makes a huge difference on certain things.. Thanks!
Sucessful test :)
I want to give a heads up to all the animators or anyone posting animations to YouTube like i have been,
I have been a YouTube partner for the last 10 years and I have been informed tonight of a new Coppa Rule that has gone into effect today. Coppa stand for the "Children's Online Privacy Protection Act"
YouTube/Google has implemented a new Policy for Coppa to protect minor children. If you have not done so you may want to now check your video and mark the ones made for kids and ones not made for kids, failure in doing so could end you up with a whooping $40,000 fine for each offending video. that is incorrectly marked supposedly enforced by The federal trade commission & The state of New York AG or the latter YouTube removing your video or channel.
So I want to post as a friendly reminder to my fellow animators and video creators That live in the USA. to check your YouTube videos setting and your Gmail account for the COPPA notice YouTube sent out and went into effect today.
I really suggest if you have a YouTube channel that you read YouTube new Policy and understand About Coppa and how it effects the type animations & videos you upload and how you list them for viewers.
I am not sure how this will effect channels like Daz videos . I hope not badly because of the helpful videos Daz puts out. But with Coppa they maybe force to turn off comments if that happens I hope daz will direct their viewers to the forums for their comments
But anyway anyone that owns and uploads animations to a YouTube channel will be effected by these new rules that started today .. I have no idea how it effects people that live in other countries it has not been mentioned. and this rule is very vague and open to interpretation and Google/youtube suggest in their TOS you talk to a lawyer if you have questions about the COPPA and this FTC rules.
But I can tell you first hand experience. That even though my cartoon animation fit the terms of services & are indeed Not intended for kids because the mild violence and Adult situations in my Karate girl animation. the FTC & YouTube has crawled my channel the last couple of days & YouTube has started shutting comments & features off on some my animations that they have deemed "mixed audience content" &could attract kids even though my channels or videos are set not made for kid and that is how they are approaching my animations made with daz studio . I am not sure what this means for the future for using YouTube if I want to continue to make daz animations. I guess only time will tell. But check your settings guys if you have a YouTube channel and are posting videos.
Thank you for reading my comment.
A few comments on Ivy's post above:
A thread on this topic was begun in The Commons but it was very quickly closed. To prevent the same occurring here, please remember the TOS (my polite request as a simple member here).
You Tube posters must decide if their videos are (or are not intended) for children's viewing.
If deemed to be for children, there will be no advertising or comments and I think some other differences. This may affect the poster's income from views.
CGI videos are liable to attract child viewers and, if children are seeing advertising along with these, then US Law may be violated.
The issue (I believe) is not adult content so much as children being the target of advertising.
Even though I'm in Europe, I simply deleted all my videos. Those I offered as a contribution to this thread are gone as a result. (They won't be missed, I'm sure).
Best regards to all and my compliments on all the work being shown in the thread.
A few weeks ago when I heard about this I marked on my youtube channel a setting saying none of my videos are made for children. I wish I could remember where that was in, but look under your channel settings and such and, from what I understand, by clicking that, you shouldn't have to worry or go through and mark every video.
I shall simply be moving to either more adult content and 18+ restrictions or alternatively unlisted videos for forum and social media links
I feel what all you animators here are feeling & getting this thread locked by start complaining about it is not helpful to anyone either.
I did cry a when i first read the rule changes in the letter i was sent. Because I know what this means for cartoon animators like me and the potential lost of investment for all the hard work learning and posting animation.. There is nothing I can do, all my videos all ready fit into any websites or social media terms of services. A good example is if I can show my animations in forums that should be enough proof my videos were safe for everyone. But this FTC rule change is different on all levels. its goal is to protect minor children and I get that, But its how its being handled that has me confused.
So I am simply going to stop uploading animations to mass social media platforms until something changes . I do expect my YouTube account to be deleted or greatly reduced in content , because the animations i made really were not made for minor children to watch. & cartoons and flashy animations do attract children and are the target of this new rule. It makes very me sad to think that after posting hundreds of animations since 2008 on social media, that this chapter in my life is about to close 3 of my friends channels that make the same type daz & poser animations have sent me emails today telling me their accounts have been removed from some social media sites because of COPPA. so i expect the same to happen to mine even if i were to mark them made for children.
This rule change is beyond our control and I feel at this time with no safe place to show my animation work it is pretty pointless for me to invest and continue making animations if there is no place to show them. , so I think I am going to concentrate on selling adult content on renderotica as a digital download. like i use to do to help compensate for the investment lost. & we can upload very short cartoon animation demos on renderosity up to 1 gig in the gallery section and they have adult content warnings for the videos that are questionable , but you will not be able to share them anywhere. those are my alternatives at this point. unless someone has a better suggestion for me to explore.
Because the posting of about any type animations on any social media not just YouTube is a very risky business at this time. These new rule changes are going to effect everybody and every company trying to use social media to show videos or sell their wares. & we all have a new learning curve now on how we approach showing our art & animation work and where. I do thank daz and the all people here for all the support and encouragement here and i will still post my still renders on my website and here at daz and renderosity.
I have been researching diligently for the last month trying to find a new solution for showing our daz animations, So at this time i suggest to you animators not to panic and start deleting videos off your social media accounts. my advice is to wait and see what these site do with with this animation content and go from there, But if do you have questionable content ( you know if your stuff was made for kids or not) that could get you a huge fine I would either label them made for kids or un list them all together and set your content to private,
Seriously, this new rule change has really sucked the wind out my sails & saddens me greatly. I can truly understand how each one of you talented animators are feeling about this so stay cool &, Just know in your heart its not our or Dz Studios fault
So I believe I am going to take a break from social media for a while. and just wait and see what the fall out is from this and use the content i have already bought for rendering still art & maybe print out a picture book or something. but as far as my animations go I am going to take a break from it & maybe look into a new hobby
I am truly sorry I can not give you friends any better encouragement. I do wish you all good luck including Daz.
youtube dislikes nipples and female breasts being shown to minors so both may feature in an artistic fashion in any future not for children videos I do, obviously not shareable on this forum but that's fine.
other videos will contain profanity.
Nudity is very artistic and I don't do porn.
Think more titillating fairies in flowers with dewdrops.
I will be able to use much more of my DAZ wardrobe doing such art.
that said there are many sites one can post adult animations
it seems the middle ground is what has been removed
I was planning not to post any more on this subject in case moderators deemed it to have nothing to do with DAZ and closed it, so this is what will be my own last words on it.
@ Ivy. I wish to stress my own understanding of the situation which is that it is not about censorship primarily (or at all). If your videos constitute a significant portion of your income (I'm not asking - it's not my business to know) then you can designate them as for adults/not for minors or whatever it is and advertisements will be allowed. If you designate them as being suitable for children then no advertisements or comments/discussion will be allowed, therefore no income.
The problem will be for anyone whose videos with advertising attract children. Unfortunately cartoon-type work will attract children more than a home-made cold-war film shot in Berlin with real actors. So your work might find itself being scrutinised if it permits advertising and is not designated as being of an adult nature.
I think Wendy's solution is to designate her work as for adults (ie users need to log in to see them now?) If you do the same then no-one should be able to complain.
Lastly, I believe a lot of people affected are discussing with Google/You Tube. (Oh, second 'lastly' - you probably have researched this more than I have, Ivy, so apologies if I've re-stated what you already know).
Best regards to all
oh I was just going to share an animation I just uploaded
unrestricted too
using UE4
she is Genesis 8 Female BTW
I am using daz 4.10 because its stable. and 4.12 for deforce.
I have been using the walk-it plugin by generation x for walk cycles animations its pretty straight forward with pretty good results. and works for all daz characters including genesis 8 , They also have some other plugins that maybe useful to you
Hi Marcus Please check your inbox
Hi friends I am trying to get the animations figured out in DAZ. I am currently using the latest official nonbeta version, 4.12 and I want to make animations. Currently, I have "animate lite" do you suggest that I buy the "animate 2" plugin? Or isn't that needed since the latest 4.12 update?
I am referring to this product:
I am confused if I should buy this, because the SKU is so low this is a very old plugin, right? SKU:11191...
I have read all 6 sites of this read and it was very informative. Thanks for everyone sharing their knowledge. Is there somewhere a "how to animate in Daz" course or tutorial video, where I can learn the basics?
I watched a couple of tutorial videos on youtube, but I am not sure how to adjust the smoothing of the keyframes. Also sometimes my keyframes simply don't work. I don't know if this is a bug or if I am missing something crucial. Is the power pose tool one of the best ways to animate etc. Many questions :) :)
I'm using daz 4.12 beta right now, with either gen3 or gen8 characters. I haven't had any of the issues many are complaining about in the latest beta of it dropping down to CPU in the middle of an animation render. As for tools, I'm animating in Motionbuilder, with just occasional editing of curves in Studio (mostly to correct wrapping of clothing meshes around arms/hands when I get too close by mistake)
Carrara 8.5 Pro
Rosie 4 (V4)
Hi, in this video shows the result of adapting basic animation from Сlo3D to Daz Studio.
I use DAZ 4.12 BETA. Render in Octane and use G3 - G8 mostly main figures. G2 down to V4 for background actors.
So would anybody over here suggest me to buy this "old" animate2 plugin?
Will this be any beneficial? :)
Thanks for the insights! I see MotionBuilder is very expensive but I will try at least the trial version :)
you can still do a lot with AniMate lite if buying premade aniblocks
in the end manual keyframing is probably going to give you exactly what you need and combined with puppeteer and poses not a bad way to go
I personally don't like aniblocks as much as keyframed animations and invaribly bake them to studio keyframes,
M Jacques Casual has a lot of useful animation tools too on his Google site
There are many reasons that this plugin is worth its weight in Gold - especially if you like using aniBlocks!
Daz Studio comes with the basic functionality, which includes probably its most important features - the ability to link aniBlock animations together seamlessly.
What it doesn't include are some of the amazing tools that take this MUCH further, like the ability to Bake keyframes into aniBlocks and to create custom aniBlocks, etc., and also some really cool features for tweaking the aniBlocks to specific needs, like adjusting the height of the heels without messing up the animation, or changing the actually path of the motion of parts of the animation.
Check this one out:
Check out the videos on GoFigure's YouTube channel and see some of the many advantages that aniMate 2 will add to Studio!