UltraTrees - Realistic Tree System does not work (Solved)

HajobaHajoba Posts: 7

I start the UltraTreesCreator script and it shows me an empty panel without the possibility to select a tree or something else.

Deinstallation and reinstall does not fix it.

What should I do?


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  • GoggerGogger Posts: 2,417
    edited October 2019

    FWIW I got it and it worked perfectly, the first try.  Not sure what the issue is, but not likely the actual product.  There is a PDF in the UltraTree folder, have you taken a look at that?

    1200 x 1920 - 458K
    Post edited by Gogger on
  • HajobaHajoba Posts: 7

    Yes, of course. Normaly ther is nothing to do wrong. I start the script, thats all.

  • HajobaHajoba Posts: 7


    First time I have installed it within DS. So, now I tested to install it with the DIM. I started the script, and it worked. I'm glad, but what may have been the reason?

  • GoggerGogger Posts: 2,417
    edited October 2019

    This is the initial pop-up I get, so yeah, there is definitely something amiss with your install.

    Just trying to help troublshoot here, so:
    1. Did you install via DIM, Connect, or Manually?  (I installed via DIM, nothing else, no activation, no registration, nothing.)

    2. Are you sure you have enough hard drive space? 
        2b. Is your DAZ library in the default location, or do you have a custom setup?

    3.This is the work flow I am using:  In Content Library Pane I go to: Environments/Landscapes/UltraTrees and right mouse click on the icon (tagged SCRIPT) UltraTreeCreator and get this pop-up window. Select your desired tree from window (yours currently shows nothing to select - it should be immediately populated, no waiting, no navigating to some directory, nothing, they are just there when it is working right). Click on next tab 'Select Bark' etc. Once everything is selected, press 'Build Tree'. It will do a bunch of stuff with little flashing windows and then PRESTO - A BEAUTIFUL TREE! 


    I'm betting you know what to do and how to do it, so would guess that somehow the supporting files for the script are not where it expects to find them, or missing entirely. 

    Hopefully something here might help, if not, I tried, but I really hope you get it working - it is a thing of amazing beauty!

    743 x 600 - 51K
    Post edited by Gogger on
  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    Hajoba said:


    First time I have installed it within DS. So, now I tested to install it with the DIM. I started the script, and it worked. I'm glad, but what may have been the reason?

    CMS is the devil.

  • GoggerGogger Posts: 2,417
    Hajoba said:


    First time I have installed it within DS. So, now I tested to install it with the DIM. I started the script, and it worked. I'm glad, but what may have been the reason?

    YAYYY!  I'm glad you got it going!

    Maybe you could change the thread title to add - (SOLVED) or something?

  • THanks guys.


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