feet sizes

assmonkeyassmonkey Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in Product Suggestions

As in real life, people have different sized feet. You go to a store and they have a foot scale

Would be helpful is such a thing was to buy, like...having pre-set feet sizes

Like say...8 & 8 wide could be 1-clicked to get your character to have that foot size


  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I have discussed REAL WORLD proportions with a PA and was told as most of the products exit (here or on other sites) not to expect a set anytime in the near future. I myself would love presets for height, weight (general), chest size (male and female) that were all morph linked so the full figure adjusted. And all the rest, say one preset for a G2F to set 5'2" 110 lbs at 36 24 36 and then customize more from there. I would LOVE a set that did that, Heck Genesis 1 would serve my needs it does not have to be the G2's. I'm more than willing to pay good money for that type stuff, foot size included. I can see it as a Script or Plugin that calls other bought morphs even, just as long as it was easy to set up would be all I needed.

  • assmonkeyassmonkey Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Well, height is a bit easier (since you can make a pillar of the height you want the character, and scale the figure up

    But, yeah, like...maybe you want the legs to be shorter, torso longer, that stuff

    I imagine bust sizes are easier to come by, like AA, A, B, C, ect (I think I seen one for it)

    Weight, could that even look...not sure how that would even work

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