Z Combat Rifle only Daz product with the M82A1?



I was looking at some of products by Polish cause i thought they may have made the M82A1 but i didnt see it.  I did some searching and i found the Z Combat Rifles product in the link below and it does have the M82A1.  I compared the model with pictures of the real thing and also the movie Navy Seals where Bill Paxton is using it and used his head as a size reference for parts of the rifle.  It does look like Zeddicus made a decent recreation and didn't just attempt to "eyeball" it or guess its dimensions.


I'm going to wait for it to go on sale but is this the only Daz product available that has this specific sniper rifle? there's a bunch of other weapons/rifle products on the store i know, but i'm looking for the M82A1 specifically.







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