Odd question about Wishlists
I'm posting this here because I've got no idea where else to post it....
I'm trying to use the RSS feed of my Wishlist in a number of different RSS readers (so far I've tried FeedReader, FeedDemon and RSSOwl), but each of them seems to be giving me a 404 error (not found) when I try and import the feed. I know I'm using the correct URL because I managed to get it working correctly through Firefox, and it also successfully imported into Outlook at work - but for some reason it's not working.
I've checked each of the apps in turn and they are all set up fine - so - the questions is.... has anyone else used the RSS feed for the wishlist successfully, what application did you use for reading the feed, and what did you need to do?
The catch is - I don't have Outlook/Outlook Express on my machine, and I don't really want to use a web-based solution - I'd prefer a local app running on my PC to read the feed.
The RSS feed requires authenticated (cookie) access to www.daz3d.com. Your Outlook is probably sharing its cookies with IE (ewww), which is why you got it to work in there successfully at some point.
The RSS feed really consists of your username and a user id, but it has to authenticate you before it can give you access to it. That authentication is done via cookies. Unfortunately in order to do that properly, you would have to have a setup which signed in to www.daz3d.com and received a cookie, and then passed that back when retrieving the RSS feed, and then you could proxy your wishlist's rss feed.
This is doable (I've done it), but not trivial.
My real question is what you're looking for out of that feed? A normal feed reader will simply return the results to you in the order you added them to the wishlist. This won't give you items bubbling up if the price drops, for example, or anything like that.
What are you trying to use the RSS feed to do; I might have some ideas that can help.
-- Morgan
Thanks for that information - if it does need authentication before allowing you into the feed then it spoils the whole point of it (I think!)
What I've been doing is using the Wishlist to store items I may be interested in at some point or another, not necessarily the "OMG I MUST HAVE THIS NOW!" things, but the stuff I've spotted as I've worked my way through the store and that I might use - as a result, my wishlist is bit (approx 2100 items, to be honest!). The original idea I had was to use a feed reader and the RSS feed to really only show the items in the store that interest me. I've spent around a week going through all the content, flagging the ones I like and am vaguely interested in, so now when I come onto the store, I just look at the Hot Offers, Fast Grabs, New Releases and then my Wishlist.
I started doing it because I found the store filters weren't working the way I'd like on my machine - I wanted to only see the A3, V4, Genesis and G2 stuff, for example, but could only do it one at a time - there was no option for selecting all four at once. I'm not completely happy with it as a solution though - it takes a while to load my wishlist!
I had a quick look at the website in your .sig - I'll be taking another look at it when I've finished going through the main Daz store!