DS rendering black screen
I've got an issue I have never come across before in years of using DS. When clikcing render or doing a sopt render the image is completely black. I'm not doing anything different to normal. I've recently been trying out Shader mixer, that's the only difference, but not when I've opened DS today. I've also been trying to arrange my content (made a separate post about that) so I'm thinking I might have done something there:
Here's a snippet from the log file but it's not helping me much to solve the problem - can anyone help?
Loaded image parquet test1.jpg
Rendering image
3Delight message #45 (Severity 2): S2050: cannot find shader 'background', will use 'null'
3Delight message #45 (Severity 2): S2050: cannot find shader 'defaultsurface', will use 'null'
3Delight message #45 (Severity 2): S2050: cannot find shader 'distantlight', will use 'spotlight'
3Delight message #45 (Severity 2): S2050: cannot find shader 'spotlight', will use 'null'
3Delight message #45 (Severity 2): S2050: cannot find shader 'dzplastic', will use 'defaultsurface'
Finished Rendering
Where should these shaders be located?
Sounds like your base shadrs are missing - you may need to reinstall.
That doesn't make sense though because I can see them in the content (if they are the base ones). Will do a resinstall - a bit odd though considering it was all working find a few days ago.
It's not the presets that are in the Content folder, but the actual shaders in the application.
Thanks very much:)