Looking for Logos
Okay, don't flame me if this is an inappropriate question...
I was wondering if anyone knew of a place to find a 3D model of the Queensryche Tri-Ryche logo? This for a purely non-profit, all credit to the original modeller, project.
I have searched around the internet but I have only been able to locate one old model and its of one of the older versions.
I am also trying to logo a Yes band logo and a Marillion logo, but those are a little easier to generate from scratch. The Tri-Ryche is complicated enough that it is real easy to get noticeably wrong.
For those curious, this is for the upcoming cruise in April. Not that I am involved with in any official capacity. Just trying to generate some artwork for some of the theme nights.
Is this what you are looking for?
Thanks bad4u, I that was the same file I found as well. The only one I was able to locate. It was going to be my last resort since its the old style and has the wooden fixture on the bottom.
I will take a look for the Yes logo too.
tjeb, yes, that's exactly what I am looking for. Did you make it? Or did you find it somewhere?
Right now I am trying to find an anorak for the Marillion picture. Everyone has to be difficult it seems.
This is the one mentioned by bad4u
I made it with Blender. Don't like it though; there is a sort of 'banding'.