not able to log in to the specified account

hello everyone,
I just downloaded the daz manager when i try to connect with my profile i see this error:
"unable to login to the specified account. verify the email and/or password and try again".
ofc i typed the right stuff.. i also chenged my name from Niccolò to niccolò thinking about the special character..
i don't really know what to do...
Thank you
There are problems with the DIM just at the moment. This should be sorted out in due course.
i also deleted my account.ini once
thank you for the fast reply..
i just needed some 3d models for work..
guess i'll just wait =)
This has not happened before, so please wait a few hours till DAZ 3D get into work in the USA, then it will be fixed.
DIM is now fixed and fuctioning well again.
up having same problem now in EU- Estonia , unable to login
This is a very old thread so it isn't likely to eb the same issue. Double-check that your email and password are correctly entered, if the email is wrong you will need to create a new account in the Install Manager ("accounts" are just stored log-in details and isntallation options, this won't create a new store account).