full screen mode questions

When i press ALT + ENTER to enter full screen viewport all keyboard short cuts cease working. if I hit ESC to exit full screen every thing works again. It would be handy to have the keyboard work in full screen mode. Any suggestions?
What operating system and what version of DS?
windows 8 daz
We are now on DAZ Studio version, I run in full screen mode with no issues, but I'm also Win7 not Win8.
Does the same thing happen if you maximize by clicking the icon in the upper right instead of using the keyboard shortcut?
To clarify, i always use full screen window mode. While in Daz studio if you hit ALT-ENTER the camera view port will switch to full screen. That is the mode that kills the keyboard short cuts. I can still hit esc and back out of that mode, however no other keyboard short cuts work.
Never used that so had no idea... was on wrong topic. Sorry.
Alt-Enter does nothing for me in DS (I know what it's supposed to do, but it just doesn't lol). Try using Window > Go to Full Screen.
anyone figure this out?
The same problem happend to me a moment ago.
I clicked on "Full Screen Mode" in main menu by mistake and then???????????????
Only closing and staring DS again helped. The quickinfo says "...click on the shortcut key(s) again to get to the previous layout"
The problem with that: by default there is no shortcut key assigned to this action
so there is no way out of full screen.
And "davesolo" sorry to say this but maybe he was using another programm but not DazStudio - I have checked that and other keyboard shortcuts still work in "Fullscreen" mode.
So like always you have to help yourself - and asign a key to this action - go to main-menu "Window > Workspace > Customize" (or click [F3]) see here:
On DS4.8, I can go into full screen mode through a drop-down menu--and then I can never come out without closing the program. It doesn't recognize ESC. Of course, this makes the program almost completely useless. I find this hilarious.
Oh, and apparently I have no way to customize the workspace. Genius!
shift F11
Shift+F11 in my version of Studio 4.10 is for the "Step Out" function within Script IDE. So it does nothing outside of the Script IDE interface unless you override it using Syrus_Dante's method.
One thing I just came across and this may be an unintentional bug that seems helpful is that if you have 2 montiors and you open Daz onto your 2nd monitor (1st monitor being the primary monitor) and then use the Full Screen Mode, your full screen viewport panel will open up in monitor 1 while everything else stays in monitor 2. So everything stays accessible.
Shift+F12 appears to be available on mine and works fine once set. Thanks Dante.
Whoa! The function key fixed my problem. Thanks seantapp13!