March Madness = Store Broken again?
Anyone else noticed all the wonkiness this morning? Kibaretto's entire store disappeared shortly after the flash sale went up... at first I thought it was just a bad link, but you couldn't get to it by ANY link, even though the items were still in the store.* The link to the streetwear store shows exactly one item (and it's a new release) and I KNOW he has four or five items in the store. And NOW I see that the Sci-Fi men's sale is showing products in the ad for the "50% OFF select Genesis 2 Male Items" category that aren't even in the category/grouping/whatever you call it page that the ad links to... in fact, at the moment there are only 14 items there, all by DAZ, and most of them aren't even sci-fi related.
What the heck, DAZ?
*as of 10:25 DAZ time, most of Kibaretto's store seems to be mostly back up.
Except the Futucar isn't on the front page, but the expansion pack for it is, but it doesn't list the Futucar as a required product like it did last night. O_o?
It's all wacky.
-- Morgan
I had the same problem with the link to Stonemason's StreetWear (clothing) store earlier. I first tried from the link in today's email, and then I tried it directly from the store, and it kept saying no items found.
I just tried again now, and the items are showing up, so no idea what happened.
LOL! :) I am all in favor of cat-meme-based communications!
Would that they were, however. It looks like in the process of fixing one problem, the Futucar Extra Pack has lost its status as a member of the 'Sci Fi' sale, so it's not 40% OR 50% off. Interestingly, when I add it to the cart with the Futucar the Futucar is 50% off but the Extra Pack is full price. If I add one item (SW's t-shirt) it drops to...about 17% off, which is a weird percentage...
-- Morgan
Not gone yet!!
I have 4 items from the MM page, all from the top where it says 40% off any one - 50% off any two.
Yet the Futucar Extra Pack is listed as $5.77 fully through checkout all I need to do is hit Place Order (last page of checkout) It should be $3.48
Something is not working as the prices changed at every page where I seen my cart. At one page it listed the total as $0.00 for the 4 items and that was at the full cart page, not the little popup cart.
Please fix it or I'll dump the entire cart and walk away! I'm tired of the guessing game that is the Daz Store.
I'm not as strident as LU on this; I figure it's getting said hiccups out of the way before MM starts in earnest.
I'm also going to back away slowly, because I realized that the Futucar, while absolutely gorgeous in its promos, rigged wonderfully, etc., does not have DAZ Studio materials settings at all, and so will not look nearly as nice in my preferred app. Makes me sad, but I don't own any of the (quite excellent) car paint shaders, so I'd be stuck with a gorgeous shaped car with a terrible paint job.
-- Morgan
Wait... what? They're advertising it as being for both Poser & DAZ Studio, and it says it has DAZ materials here: What are you seeing that I'm not?
Wait... what? They're advertising it as being for both Poser & DAZ Studio, and it says it has DAZ materials here: What are you seeing that I'm not?
Actually, I don't think the Readme does say that it has DAZ materials. It has DSA format driver poses for the characters, and it has metadata so that the materials show up in Smart Content in their proper category (I think). According to the file list, all of the materials presets are in the Poser runtime in PZ2 format.
How does the 'March Madness' series of sales differ from the usual ones, out of interest? Or is it that wonderful time of year when Daz puts most of their entire archive down to about $2-3?
Wait... what? They're advertising it as being for both Poser & DAZ Studio, and it says it has DAZ materials here: What are you seeing that I'm not? The included items list only explicitly lists PZ2 textures. In less direct 'evidence', anecdotally a user who already bought it noted that they couldn't find DS mats for it.
If I'm wrong, do let me know.
-- Morgan
P.s. Looks like they've fixed the Extras Pack problem, too!
Hmm. Right at the bottom of the page it says "1) The contents of this package are in DAZ Studio Native and Poser Native formats." At this point in the game it really doesn't make any sense for DAZ to be selling a brand new product that's not compatible with DS4.X, and none of the promotional product illustrations state that they were rendered in any soft other than DS. This is one case where I'd be more inclined to think that it's the attached file list that's screwed up.
The problem is that nobody knows anymore, as DAZ has pretty much rewritten the rules for all of the traditional sales over the last year. My guess is that this year it's going to be a bunch of unrelated sales with some kind of bonus plan tossed in if you buy X items over X period of time. I think the days of full inventory blow out sales are pretty much gone, but we'll probably see the usual 50% off all DAZ originals at some point and the same for some PAs. It's too soon for another major upgrade for either DS or Carrara, so we'll probably get a new Male figure (most likely Freak 6 and/or the Creature Creator for G2M.) And there are large number of us who've been waiting on GenX2, which we know is finshed but still unreleased.
Thanks to the powers that be!!
The proper prices showed in my cart and I went through the check out.
As for Studio Support. The Futucar Xtra Pak will probably work fine with a bit of work. But in going through the zip file, I see no Studio specific files.
Only Obj's, Pz2's, Pp2's, Cr2's and Png's
Last year they had a lot of unusual/new sales mechanics; it was fun to figure out what they were, and how the numbers were determined, but I know a lot of other people are frustrated that the sales aren't straightforward.It's unlikely to be very straightforward this year, as they've already started off with the '10% off MM items if you own S6'. That throws a pricing wrench into everybody's calculations...just like A5 did last year.
Typically what we see is n new items each day, a larger one-day percentage (than the usual new release discount) off the base, some 'formula' to get an even better percentage, and 50% off the stores of the PA's whose items are on sale. Sometimes they'll try a 'chaining' formula, where what you buy one day affects the price of what you buy the next. They've been hit-or-miss with those, and because of rules-lawyering, they often have had to say, 'No takebacks' (i.e. no refunds) for items you've bought with discounts, because it gets Quantum Physics-level complex to figure out refunds after the fact.
I'm going to be a {insert non-existent word here for someone who sells themselves that isn't epically derogatory} and point out that for the more basic discounts, you can get lots of information about what's on sale, and at how much off, via 3DWishlist. If you sign up (not necessary if you just want to see current discounts!) you can get emailed when items on your wishlist go on sale. Or when the banner rotates. I've got an iPhone app I'm working on too, but I didn't get it ready in time. Maybe by the PC sale...
-- Morgan
Hmm. Right at the bottom of the page it says "1) The contents of this package are in DAZ Studio Native and Poser Native formats."
Look more closely at the "Compatible 3D Software" section. If it just says "DAZ Studio", then it'll load into D|S but all the materials will be in Poser format only. If it specifies "DAZ Studio 4.6" then it does include D|S materials. I'm a bit disappointed too, I was trying to talk myself into buying the car and extra pack until I realised it was Poser-only materials.
It's annoying to keep bumping into this situation, DAZ really ought to label their store pages better.
Hmm. Right at the bottom of the page it says "1) The contents of this package are in DAZ Studio Native and Poser Native formats." At this point in the game it really doesn't make any sense for DAZ to be selling a brand new product that's not compatible with DS4.X, and none of the promotional product illustrations state that they were rendered in any soft other than DS. This is one case where I'd be more inclined to think that it's the attached file list that's screwed up.
But they ARE in Daz Studio Native and Poser Native formats. DSA is DAZ Studio Native, but it's only the poses and not the materials. (It's also an exceedingly peculiar choice to make, but I'm not the vendor and don't know why.) What it does not anywhere say is that the materials are in DAZ Studio formats. And there are all sorts of items that are sold here which install only into the Poser runtime that work perfectly well in Studio. As long as the product works as advertised, DAZ has no reason to reject a perfectly good product because it's more Poser oriented.
Mind, some clarity enforced on the product pages wouldn't be a bad idea.