@PerspectX door+door :

Hoi!.... me again -_-'
Urban Kitchen + Space Corridor have both a "door" file... it seems like, the Contentcreator self doesnt use his own items? so.... he would see the problem, I think when I just rename it, it will make problems with preloaded sets, because the files are looking for a "door.png" or duf.
Also funny, that my windows says its the same size... because it isnt...
I am happy I did really random checked the double files.... normally I just say overwrite -_-
So... how do I handle this now? :/
The 2 conflicting products.
I got some other from him too, but yeah no idea if I did overwrite already others.... (and funny the files got changed last time 2016, atleast does my windows say it, so since 3+ years did No ONE see this?....)
(okay, how much people put a urban kitchen in a space corridor ;).... )
Are you using DIM to install? If you use DIM, it will put everything where it should be and you won't get conflicts.
no, I use My own Library, I had already one time problems with the Installers because for some reason I couldnt log in -_-.... something with accepting EULA or whatever and my Adblocker made problems with showing the accept button....
*sigh* Also I like that I can simply backup all on my external HDD :)
Thats why I dont want the smart content thing...
all lovely by hand...
Moved to rechincal Support as it is not a Product Suggestion
he made it REALLY again!
its ... no... no!
The problem is EASY (and I will fix it by myself)
The files goes here:
My Library\Environments\Architecture\PerspectX -> Zero Props
He does NOT split his set like "Space, Urban Kitchen, Plain Kitchen" into Sub Folders and THEN into zero Props, NO Mr. Perspect X does Throw ALl into his "Perspect X" Zero props folder...