recommend me a backpack/satchel with pots, pans, shovels, utensils (medieval ish era)



Can anyone recommend me a product that has a backpack or satchel that has basic camping stuff hanging off of it.  Things like pots, pans, spatulas, little pouches, shovels, etc.  I would like it if it looks a little bit rundown or worn and not something that is brand new looking.  Would also like it if it looks medieval themed like no zippers or modern looking fasteners, straps or whatever.  Or if it does have them i can hide them and it wont look weird.


  • Dude, I was just thinking about this as well. There is a serious need for such.

    This is the only thing I have really found on the market -

  • wow that is cool, I look at Cybertenko's stuff often but missed that

    sadly broke at the moment 

  • find a backpack you like for the base and hang some pots and pans etc on it If you're not doing motion shouldn't be much of a problem.. Parent items to pack
    this is the pack from the Mars exploration kit for gen with some pans stuck on from a 1900 kitchen set from freebies stuff somewhere
    a little work and you could fake a loop to officially hang the stuff on

    mars explorer pack.jpg
    752 x 1529 - 421K
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