Conforming to multiple Objects / Layering Cloth
Is there a easy way, to conform Cloth to multiple Objects?
Like if you have a M5 / M6 Character with a T-shirt and you want to conform a Shirt over it, you always have the choice:
Confrom it to M4 with Poke through and a hell of a lot of work to fix them with morph brushes,
or Conform it to the T-shirt with the same result.
It would be great to say: Conform to M5 with whatever he's wearing, so if you have Underwear or things, the cloth is correct, not poking anywhere. Like: M5 is layer 0, T-shirt is Layer 1 and Shirt is layer 2 and Layer 2 uses both layers underneath as collision objects...
That would be a great imporvement ot the autofit and save so much time in every render, especially with figures you want to cloth correctly with more than one layer of garments on it.
If anyone has an idea or a good workflow, i would love to hear.
Thanks and happy rendering
You can set the collision object to the preceding layer, which works for the majority of cases. For items which won't be visible however, there's no real benefit to layering them in this way. After all, if it's not going to be seen, it won't make any difference to the final render.
Oh. I never noticed that there are layers. I have to go through the immense manual again then... :P
Thanks for the hint. Well somtimes you need to, if you have for example a semitransparent netshirt over a normal t-shirt...
I'll give it a try. thanks.
There aren't any 'layers' in the traditional sense, but the collision will push the mesh over its designated collision object. This is due to the mesh smoothing which is on most of the Genesis clothing, and it's easy to change the collision object to layer one clothing item over another. One minor issue is poke through, which can often be dealt with by changing the scale of the object being layered by a few percent in either direction.
Here's a quick example.